If you need help paying for college, check out the Financial Aid section of the website for options, from scholarships and grants, which don't have to be repaid, to student loans to work-study opportunities. You can also contact Financial Aid Office staff for assistance.
You can pay for your classes in person or online via Self-Service.
To pay in person, visit the Cashier's Office on any campus:
To pay online, log in to Self-Service and select "Student Finance.
Only MasterCard or Visa credit cards or debit cards with the MasterCard or Visa logo are acceptable. Refunds (in accordance with the refund policy) will be made only by check to the student. There will be no credits to the credit or debit accounts. Your credit or debit account will be charged at the time you click "Submit."
If you want to authorize payment by credit or debit card for added classes after your original registration and authorization, you must go through the process again. You are the only person who can authorize additional charges to your account. Wake Tech does not store your account number for future charges.