Dr. Scott Ralls is the fourth president of Wake Tech. A former president of the North Carolina Community College System, he has also served as president of Northern Virginia Community College, in Annandale, Va., and Craven Community College, in New Bern, N.C.
Wake Tech is governed by a volunteer board of 12 trustees, appointed by the governor, the Wake County Board of Commissioners and the Wake County Board of Education. Trustees' responsibilities are defined by state law and include establishing college policies and approving an annual budget. Trustees also serve as advocates for the college in the larger community.
Dr. D. Gayle Greene oversees senior administrative staff and operations for Wake Tech's multiple campuses and training centers. She believes that the best idea should always rule, and she is a passionate advocate of leadership development, communication and collaboration.
Dr. Nicole Reaves oversees all degree and non-degree programs, enrollment and student services, as well as leading service areas in the implementation of the college's 2021-25 Reach and Rally Strategic Plan. She is a champion for diversity and equitable access to higher education for all students.
Dr. Scott Ralls – President
Dr. Gayle Greene – Executive VP and Chief Operations Officer
Dr. Nicole Reaves – Executive VP and Chief Programs Officer
Anthony Caison – VP, Workforce Development
Benita Clark – VP, Human Resources and College Safety
Laurie Clowers – VP, Communications and Marketing
Brian Gann – VP, Enrollment and Student Services
Dr. Ryan Schwiebert – VP, Information Technology Services
Charles Scott – VP, Facilities
Matthew Smith – VP, Development and Strategic Partnerships
Marla Tart – VP, Finance and Business Services
Dr. Dimitria Harding – Provost, Health Sciences and Perry Health Sciences Campus
Dr. Gabby McCutchen – Provost, Arts and Sciences and Scott Northern Wake Campus
Chad Ray – Provost, Engineering, Biotechnology, Trades and Transportation and Wake Tech East
Dr. Jamie Wicker – Provost, Public Safety Education and Training and Public Safety Education Campus
Dr. Carrie Bartek – Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness and Research