Admission to Wake Tech is your first step to enrollment. If you have not already applied or been admitted to the college, you can begin the enrollment process now.
Admissions questions
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Wake Tech's Health Sciences programs are very popular, and most have limited enrollment, meaning the college doesn't have enough space to accommodate all applicants. All programs, except for Human Services and Health & Fitness Science, have a separate selection process, which includes submitting a program-specific application and other requirements as determined by the departments. To determine program entry, some programs use a first-come, first-served process, while others use a competitive process.
The programs that use a competitive process – Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Nursing, Radiography, Respiratory Therapy and Sonography – also require applicants to complete a program-specific information session as one of the first steps in the admissions process. All information sessions can be completed online at your convenience.
Review the information on these related pages to learn more about program-specific acceptance requirements or to schedule an appointment with a Health Sciences advisor.
Grades of "C" or better are required in all program-related curriculum classes, except for Human Services and Health & Fitness Science.
Clinical sites, both on and off campus, require documentation of criminal background checks, drug testing and health and immunization information. Wake Tech requires this information to be on file for each Health Sciences student before they begin the clinical portion of their program of study.
Wake Tech academic programs (credit and non-credit) that are designed to lead to professional licenses are tied to North Carolina or national certifications. If you intend to pursue professional licenses outside North Carolina once you have completed your academic program at Wake Tech, please refer to the Professional Licensure section of the college's distance education authorization page for additional information.