Wake Tech has partnered with the McLaughlin Young group to provide additional services to students. The We Care student assistance program offers help for personal, professional or school concerns by providing free, confidential, short-term counseling and personal consultation. Additionally, We Care provides student-life resources for such issues as legal and financial consultation, online learning and resources.
NOTE: Wellness Services remains the first step for mental health counseling at Wake Tech, available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wellness counselors can also answer any questions related to We Care.
We Care addresses many concerns, including the following:
We Care is available for current Wake Tech students and immediate family members (those who live in the household). No program enrollment is required.
The service offers 24/7 access at 704-529-1428 or 800-633-3353, and contact with We Care is treated as confidential. Students may also request a We Care appointment.