The Board of Trustees of Wake Technical Community College is pleased to welcome Geoff Lang, appointed by Governor Pat McCrory. Lang was sworn in on Tuesday, October 20, as the newest trustee on the 12-member board.
Asia King, a second-year Business Management student at Wake Tech, has been recognized for leadership and service by North Carolina Campus Compact, a statewide network of 36 public and private colleges and universities committed to community engagement.
Student Rifine Pongo is this year’s Wake Tech Idol! Pongo defeated nine other finalists at the singing competition’s grand finale tonight and won a $1,000 scholarship from the Wake Tech Foundation.
Wake Tech Executive Vice President Mort Congleton has received the Distinguished Service Award from the North Carolina Council of Resource Development (NC CORD).
Students in Wake Tech's Criminal Justice program participated in a mock trial exercise based on a real-life scenario where they examined evidence and scrutinized the actions of an officer who had responded to a domestic dispute.
Wake Tech engineering student Mitchell LaValley will travel to NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center later this month to participate in a very special program.
“I believe it’s time to take another walk on the moon!” Those were the words of Dr. Harrison “Jack” Schmitt at a special presentation today at Wake Technical Community College. Dr. Schmitt should know – he’s a NASA astronaut and former U.S. Senator who went to the moon in 1972 aboard Apollo 17.
Wake Technical Community College and HQ Raleigh today announce an exciting new partnership, thanks to funds from the Wake Tech/Wells Fargo Center for Entrepreneurship.
Wake Tech is offering one final educational tour of the island nation of Cuba. The college has teamed up with Explorica, a Boston-based company, to offer students an eight-day international learning experience.