Building J (TLC), Room 105
* Doors lock one hour before closing time
Building D, Room 125
* Doors lock one hour before closing time
Room 265
Building 1, Room 101
Building A, Room 112
NOTE: Cellphone use is not allowed in the testing areas. Phone calls can be accepted and returned between testing sessions.
All students must present a Wake Tech ID for tests in the eLTC.
Other forms of identification
will not be accepted.
For more information, email [email protected].
All student exam appointments for online/hybrid testing must be secured through SmarterProctoring Management Services located in the instructor’s Blackboard course shell. The eLTC strongly recommends scheduling appointments in advance – at least 24 hours before desired testing time – to ensure preferred appointment times, seating and/or location.
Student appointments can be canceled and/or rescheduled through the SmarterProctoring account instantly. To contact an eLTC administrator for assistance, email [email protected].
You will be in a room with the test proctor and other students.
Students living within a 50-mile radius of Wake Tech are expected to test in the e-Learning Testing Center unless special circumstances are demonstrated. Students requesting an alternate proctoring institution (API) are responsible for having the API approved by their Wake Tech course instructor.
All proctored exams must be administered within an educational setting – an academic institution with an official school email address or an employer within an educational setting or military base. Military personnel may make arrangements for proctored testing with the command educational officer. Students may not use personal friends, colleagues or family members as proctors.
Students should log into their Blackboard account and select the relevant course. Select the "Tools" link on the left side of the instructor's course page and select the SmarterProctoring icon.
Enter a ZIP code and select the desired proctor and schedule an appointment. Inform your Wake Tech instructor of the approved API.
If an API is not listed in SmarterProctoring, contact your preferred academic institution and request they complete an API contract, which must be pre-approved by your instructor at least five business days before the opening of the relevant testing window.
If you are unable to schedule an appointment with your selected API, contact your instructor regarding the API contract, which must be completed and signed, and then approved by your instructor, at least five business days before the opening of the relevant testing window.