Wake Tech students have access to free, in-person tutoring services on every campus and the Beltline Education Center, as well as online assistance.
Check with Blackboard to ensure your operating system and web browser are compatible with Blackboard’s online course management system.
Online course preparation
Make sure your computer is ready for online learning
— Update your operating system (Microsoft Windows updates | Mac OS X updates)
— Install a Blackboard-certified browser
— Adjust your browser, if necessary.
Open your online course
— Select Courses from the navigation menu on the left sidebar then enter your course
— Read the Announcements
— Become familiar with the layout of the course by clicking on the links in the course menu on the left
— Locate the syllabus and the course schedule
— Determine how the instructor takes attendance in your online class
— After the course begins, don't hesitate to contact your instructor or a classmate if you have questions or concerns about your online course content
Check your Wake Tech email account
— Students automatically receive free Office 365 email accounts through the college's student portal, my.waketech.edu. To activate your Office 365 email, log in to the portal.
— Your Wake Tech email address is the default email for your online courses. Instructors will reply only to official Wake Tech email messages.
— Contact your instructor or a classmate if you have a question or concern about your online course content.
— If you are having technical problems with Blackboard, contact your instructor or visit the online technical support page.