Because of icy conditions at some Wake Tech campuses, the college will open at 10 a.m. Monday.
The Accounts Receivable Office is responsible for ensuring that all Wake Tech student accounts are accurate and for collecting any overdue balances.
If you owe money to the college, a "Financial Services Hold" will be placed on your account, and you will not be able to register for classes, graduate and/or receive a transcript until your balance is paid in full.
For more information, email [email protected].
Accounts of students whose last names begin with N-Z
Accounts of students whose last names begin with A-M
When an account has an outstanding balance of $5 or greater, a "Financial Services Hold" is placed on it.
The most common reason for the hold is missing financial aid paperwork. Other reasons could include:
Check your Self-Service account. Also, monitor your Wake Tech email account for communications from the following offices:
Your are required to review your financial aid status in Self-Service on the "My Financial Aid" page on a regular basis. You may receive a bill if you have not received your financial aid award letter. If you have enrolled in classes and started the semester but have not received your letter, you are responsible for any charges incurred. Contact Financial Aid at 919-866-5410 or [email protected] for assistance.
If you are still unable to determine why you have a hold or need the charges explained, contact the Cashier's Office at [email protected].
Call Accounts Receivable at 919-866-5919 or 919-866-5729.
Make sure you have selected a refund preference with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution powered by BMTX Inc., the company that processes refunds. Financial aid disbursement dates can be found in the Financial Aid section of this website under Important Financial Aid Dates and Deadlines section.
Williams & Fudge is a collection agency that aids Wake Tech in the recovery of education-related fees. If a student's account is more than 90 days past due, it will be forwarded to Williams & Fudge for collection.
Williams & Fudge is in Rock Hill, S.C., and can be contacted at 800-849-9791 or online. You can also contact Accounts Receivable at 919-866-5919 or 919-866-5729 for additional details.
A student's account can be turned over to North Carolina Department of Revenue Debt Setoff Program if a student owes the college $50 or more and the account has been delinquent for more than 90 days.
Once an account has been placed with the Debt Setoff Program, it will remain with the Department of Revenue until the debt has been paid in full or no longer meets the requirements.
Withdrawing from or dropping a course does not negate a student's financial responsibility for tuition and fees. A 25% penalty is incurred when a class is dropped without adding a class first. A student is financially responsible for 100% of tuition and fees when he or she withdraws from a class after the drop/add period.