Due to icy roads, all Wake Tech campuses remain closed Friday. In-person classes are canceled, but online classes continue as scheduled. Students can still register for eight-week courses, and prospective students can apply online. Many Wake Tech services are available virtually. Employees who can work remotely should do so.
Business Services provides goods and services to all Wake Tech divisions and departments to support instruction, research and college administration.
Wake Tech allows groups and organizations to use college facilities for educational purposes when the facilities aren't being used for classes or other college activities and when the outside use doesn't conflict with programs or classes already being offered by the college.
Facilities Operations supports the mission of the college by operating and maintaining nearly 400 acres of land and about 2.3 million square feet of building space at six major campuses and several smaller sites.
Financial Services handles everything related to money for the college, including collecting tuition payments from students, paying vendors for their services and processing payroll and supplementary payments to employees.
Government Relations and Strategic Partnerships works to strengthen relationships with local, federal and state officials and agencies to enhance their understanding of Wake Tech's contributions and improve the college's competitive stance for new projects and appropriations.
Human Resources provides future, current and past employees with the highest level of customer service while maintaining an atmosphere of professionalism and confidentiality.
ITS supports student learning, faculty teaching and college operations through the use of information technology.
The purpose of Institutional Effectiveness & Research is to develop strategies that improve instructional and administrative services at Wake Tech. The IE process focuses on gaining useful knowledge and not exclusively on reaching specific goals.
The Ombuds is an impartial resource for students, faculty, staff and administrators, helping them find options to address concerns, resolve conflicts and handle a variety of institutional issues in a confidential and informal manner.
Workforce Development offers a variety of non-degree classes for career enhancement and professional development, high school completion, English language mastery and personal interest.