Homes and businesses are constantly in need of trained commercial and residential electricians. Training at Wake Tech can teach you the following:
Courses include hands-on instruction in standard wiring techniques, methodology and the use of equipment and materials with instructor supervision, in a lab equipped to simulate real conditions.
Workforce Development offers financial assistance for many workforce training programs through the Propel program and other resources. Email [email protected] for more information.
Este curso es para estudiantes interesados en el cableado eléctrico residencial, ofreciendo los conocimientos y habilidades necesarias para convertirse en un electricista o siguiendo otros medios de la profesión en el sector eléctrico. Los estudiantes aprenderán y practicarán la teoría de circuitos eléctricos, la ley de Ohm, corriente directa y continua, circuitos en serie y paralelo, el uso de herramientas y equipos eléctricos, mantenimiento preventivo y solución de problemas, componentes y símbolos eléctricos, sistemas de distribución, el uso del NEC (Código Eléctrico National), y lectura de planos eléctricos. Instrucciones escritas en técnicas de cableado estandarizados, métodos, y materiales se llevarán a cabo con la supervisión de un instructor en un laboratorio equipado para simular las condiciones reales. También se incluirá una revisión introductoria del examen de Contratista Eléctrico de Carolina del Norte (Examen Especial Restringido: Familia Sencilla - vivienda independiente residencial (SP-SFD)). Los estudiantes deben traer sus propias herramientas, materiales y usar ropa, guantes, zapatos y lentes de seguridad. This class is taught in Spanish. Esta clase se enseña en espanol.
Details | Section | Date(s) | Location | Price | Seats | |
309128 | 04/21/25 - 07/16/25 | BEC | 300.00 | 16 | Register |
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If you’re interested in becoming a commercial electrician or following other career pathways in the electrical trade, this course is for you! You’ll learn and practice electrical circuits, short circuit calculations, preventive maintenance and troubleshooting, electrical components and symbols, distribution systems, use of the NEC (National Electrical Code), load calculations, and electrical blueprint reading. The course offers hands-on instruction in standardized wiring techniques, methods, and materials with instructor supervision, in a lab equipped to simulate real conditions. Students should bring their own tools and materials and wear safety clothing, gloves, shoes, and glasses.
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Wake Tech's Notify Me service.
This course prepares students for all classifications of the North Carolina Electrical Contractor’s Exam, with special focus on limited, intermediate, and unlimited classifications. Build knowledge and skill in calculations, branch and feeder conductor and overcurrent sizing; motor and HVAC branch and feeder conductor; motor overload and short circuit; ground fault protection sizing; raceway; and box fill. Course emphasis is on the National Electrical Code (NEC Code Book) and how to navigate it. The course also offers time-saving tips for taking the exam. This course is approved for 24 hours of Continuing Education Credit by the NC State Board of Examiners of Electrical Contractors.
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With booming infrastructure, new energy conservation projects, and an aging workforce, the demand for skilled electricians is on the rise. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that jobs for electricians will increase 14 percent through the year 2024.The Electrician Training course is designed to teach you general and electrical safety procedures, use of common hardware and materials used in an electrical system, how to read and understand building plans, and more. In addition, you will be prepared for electrician licensing tests, generally required by most states and localities. While tests differ, you will need to understand electrical theory, the National Electrical Code®, local electrical codes, and the various types of wiring methods and materials. By course completion, you should be able to pass a residential electrician licensing exam and start an entry level career as a residential electrician or electrician apprentice. Check with your state, county, or city for residential electrician licensing rules and whether this course's hours will be accepted towards licensing.
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Wake Tech's Notify Me service.
Learn the basics of home maintenance. Discover ways to assess a problem, how to determine whether you have the skills to fix it, and which tools to use for particular tasks. Create a seasonal checklists, safety issues, plumbing, electrical, basic caulking techniques, appliances and basic maintenance. You've invested in a home, now live in it stress free for years to come.
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Este curso brinda instrucción en la aplicación de herramientas eléctricas, materiales y equipos de prueba asociados con instalaciones eléctricas. Los temas incluyen el NEC, seguridad, planos eléctricos, planificación, diseño e instalación de equipos y conductos, dispositivos de cableado como paneles y dispositivos de sobre corriente. Al finalizar el curso, los estudiantes serán capaces de instalar equipos y conductos asociados con instalaciones eléctricas residenciales y comerciales.
Esta clase se enseña en español.
This course provides instruction in the application of electrical tools, materials, and test equipment associated with electrical installations. Topics include the NEC; safety; electrical blueprints; planning, layout, and installation of equipment and conduits; and wiring devices such as panels and overcurrent devices. Upon completion, students should be able to properly install equipment and conduit associated with electrical installations for residential and commercial.
This class is taught in Spanish. Esta clase se enseña en espanol."
Details | Section | Date(s) | Location | Price | Seats | |
309057 | 04/02/25 - 06/14/25 | BEC | 550.00 | 14 | Register |
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