Read the official policy in the college catalog.
Refund requests are made online. To access the electronic refund process, you must activate your Wake Tech student account.
If you have already set up your Wake Tech student account, log in to the Workforce Development electronic refund system.
For questions or assistance, email the Workforce Development Registrar's Office at [email protected] or call 919-334-1522 or 919-334-1630.
Perry Health Sciences Campus
Western Wake Campus
Southern Wake Campus
College & Career Readiness comprises the following programs: English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Basic Education (ABE), Adult Secondary Education (ASE), Adult High School (AHS), ABE Pathfinders and High School Equivalency Preparation for migrant farm workers and their families (HEP). These programs are generally available to individuals 16 and older who are North Carolina residents, are not visiting or in the U.S. on a J-1 or F-1 visa and are not currently enrolled in high school.
To enroll in any of these programs, please review the following requirements and instructions:
Success in the program requires time, hard work and commitment. To support your success, our attendance policy requires that students attend at least 75% of their class meeting hours. The College & Career Readiness program is delivered through hourly instruction. Therefore, regular attendance is defined as arriving on time and participating in the entire class period. Students who are unable to meet this requirement will be dropped from their classes.
Regular attendance will help you in the pursuit of your educational and career goals. It will also allow students to preregister for classes in our next quarter (at locations where preregistration is an option).
State Board Community College Code: 1D SBCCC 300.4 allows for minor students, ages 16 and 17, to enroll in self-supporting classes. Minors are allowed to register and pay online for self-supporting classes (courses with prefixes of CSP or SEF) unless otherwise specified in the course details. Enrollment in non-self-supporting courses will require course supervisor approval prior to in-person registration.
A minor who is not currently enrolled in a public or private education agency may be admitted to a College & Career Readiness or Workforce Development program under specific conditions:
Withdrawn from public or private education within past month
Withdrawn from public or private education for at least one month
Emancipated minor
ABE/ASE, ESL and Adult High School minor policy
If you are 16 or 17 years old, you must have been out of school for at least one month and do the following:
Mailed forms should be sent to the following address:
Workforce Development Registration & Records
Wake Tech Community College
9101 Fayetteville Road
Raleigh, NC 27603
For assistance with Workforce Development forms, contact the Registrar's Office at [email protected] or 919-334-1631.
Wake Tech academic programs (credit and non-credit) that are designed to lead to professional licenses are tied to North Carolina or national certifications. If you intend to pursue professional licenses outside North Carolina once you have completed your academic program at Wake Tech, please refer to the Professional Licensure section of the college's distance education authorization page for additional information.