– All vendors must be registered with NC eProcurement, so check their registration. You may need to enter the company name several ways.
– If the vendor is not registered with NC eProcurement, submit a Form 58 along with the vendor's information. The Business Office will assist the vendor with registration.
Obtain quotes according to established guidelines
– Small purchases ($1 – $29,000): One quote recommended for purchases up to $10,000; one quote required (no terms and conditions) for purchases between $10,001 and $20,000; two quotes required (no terms and conditions) for purchases between $20,001 and $29,000. NOTE: If a second quote cannot be obtained, submit one quote and a Waiver of Competition.
– Informal purchases ($29,001 – $50,000): Solicitation Request Form or Waiver of Competition with one quote attached. Purchasing will issue a Request for Quote.
– Formal purchases ($50,001 and up): Solicitation Request Form or Waiver of Competition with one quote attached; Purchasing will issue a formal bid solicitation.
Employees can learn more about the purchasing process by logging into the Wake Tech portal.