The Medical Assisting Career Exploration course is the perfect opportunity to explore the role of a medical assistant for anyone interested in the profession.
Learn about the various roles and settings in which a medical assistant would find employment and develop a plan to get the necessary medical, technical and soft skills for entry into the field.
The course is designed for 15 to 20 participants, and participants must be at least 18 years old. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. The course meets in person on the Perry Health Sciences campus one day a week for eight weeks and includes online content on Blackboard.
For more information, or if you have questions about the Career Exploration course, contact Medical Assisting Program Director Charmaine Parker at [email protected] or 919-747-0153 or Workforce Development Career and Professional Development Director Catalina Suarez at [email protected] or 919-532-5572.