Drivers can enter and exit the Scott Northern Wake Campus from five locations. Ability Drive and Fox Road are the two main entrances, which are both off Louisburg Road. The campus can also be reached from Perry Creek Road, east of the campus, which intersects with Possibility Way, Fox Road and Success Way.
Staff, student and visitor parking requires special decals or passes. These parking spots are designated with painted descriptions on the spot. Decals can be obtained from College Police.
Students, faculty and staff
Handicapped parking is available in all lots. To receive a decal allowing you to park in handicapped spaces, you must present a registration card confirming your ownership of the handicapped placard or plate. See the cashier in Building C, Room 236, for assistance.
Call the Wake Tech emergency number, 919-866-5911, if you need assistance. Find out more about safety and security at Wake Tech by visiting the College Police website.