A-Z database list
A comprehensive list of every available database for Wake Tech students.
Online access to a diverse collection of electronic resources including complete articles from newspapers, journals, magazines and encyclopedias and access to thousands of online print and audio books.
E-Journal Portal
Looking for a specific journal, magazine, or newspaper? Check to see if we have it.
ProQuest Arts & Humanities Database
Content includes hundreds of titles covering art, architecture, design, history, philosophy, music, literature, theater and cultural studies.
Religion Database
Provides a range of primarily full-text periodicals and other sources for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of many worldwide religions. As well as scholarly journals, there are many titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.
ABI/Inform Collection
Business research from journals, trade publications, market research reports, dissertations and working papers.
Consumer Reports
Popular collection of product reviews and recommendations for cars, appliances, electronics, personal finance and health information.
Morningstar Investment Research Center
Research and independent opinions on thousands of stocks and mutual funds.
Proquest One Business
A unique platform that provides faculty and students with a vast selection of business-focused content from a variety of sources, including newspapers, dissertations, e-books, video, business cases, industry reports and more.
Data-Axle Reference Solutions
Includes access to information about more than 48 million businesses, 268 million consumers, U.S. new businesses and U.S. homeowners and movers. It also includes a job and internship search, access to OneSource (international businesses) and the U.S. standard white pages.
Triangle Business Journal
Features business news across 18 industries from the Triangle metro region. It also provides tools to help businesses grow, network and hire. Login instructions
Career Coach
Current local data on wages, employment, job postings and associated education and training.
Ferguson's Career Guidance Center
Career database that enables users to explore industries and careers, plan their education and research best practices for resumes, cover letters, interviewing, networking and salaries/benefits. Includes articles, career advice blogs and streaming video.
LearningExpress Library/PrepSTEP
Suite of highly acclaimed e-learning solutions that provide interactive tutorials, practice tests, e-books, flashcards and articles for academic skill-building, standardized test preparation, career development and more.
ProQuest Career & Technical Education Database
Vocational information on technical topics, such as computing science, health care, building trades, auto mechanics, sales and retail, accounting, graphic design and photography.
ProQuest Criminal Justice Database
Comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts and legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends.
Ebook Central
Scholarly titles supporting student and faculty research and general nonfiction on topics such as school and studying, career development, arts and leisure and practical life skills.
EBSCOhost eBook Collection
More than 26,000 fiction, reference, scholarly and professional books online.
HomeGrown Ebooks Collection
E-books from a variety of North Carolina publishers, including popular and scholarly nonfiction, novels by well-known North Carolina authors and award-winning short fiction and poetry.
Downloadable audio and e-books on a variety of topics, including language learning, history, biography, classic literature and more. Compatible with all popular e-readers, an app is available for download. Users will need to make a personal account to use this resource, (enter an email address, select NCLIVE as your library and create a password.)
O’Reilly for Higher Education
O’Reilly for Higher Education offers a platform that includes critical tech and business e-books, videos, learning paths, exclusive content and more along with a personalized experience and new technologies, including a mobile app. Login instructions.
Scanned images (PDFs) of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed and illustrated, JSTOR covers a vast area of disciplines, including literature, science, history, foreign languages and education.
ProQuest Central
General article database for more than 175 subjects from magazines, journals and newspapers, including peer-reviewed and scholarly works.
ProQuest Research Library
General reference database from business and political science to literature and psychology; includes scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines and daily news content, accessible to readers and researchers at every level.
SIRS Researcher
Use SIRS Issues Researcher to locate articles about controversial issues selected from newspapers, magazines, journals and government publications. It features information about a variety of social, scientific, health, historic, economic, business and political issues from around the world.
Wiley Online Library
One of the largest and most authoritative collections of online journals, books and research resources, covering life, health, social and physical sciences.
Anatomy.TV (powered by Primal Pictures)
Primal Pictures' resources are the world's most medically accurate and detailed 3D graphic rendering of human anatomy. With benchmark anatomy, physiology and clinical content, Primal Pictures is widely accepted as the best in class and used by thousands of health science educators, students and practitioners worldwide to teach, learn and practice.
CINAHL® Complete
CINAHL® Complete is the world’s most comprehensive source of full-text for nursing and allied health journals, providing full text for more than 1,300 journals indexed in CINAHL. This authoritative file contains full text for many of the most used journals in the CINAHL index with no embargo.
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Database
Journals and dissertations covering nursing, allied health and alternative and complementary medicine.
R2 Digital Library
Aggregates health sciences book content from leading publishers in a single platform.
A cross-searchable, health care reference that integrates core titles with evidence-based resources and innovative tools in one site.
Visible Body
A comprehensive 3D atlas of the human body.
History Study Center
A collection of primary and secondary sources on global history from ancient times to the present day.
ProQuest Political Science Database
Political science and international relations journals, dissertations and working papers on topics such as comparative politics, political economy, international development and environmental policy.
Welcome to North American Women's Letters and Diaries
Women's writings from the colonial period to 1950, including writings by Abigail Adams, Louisa May Alcott, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Dorothea L. Dix, Julia Ward Howe and more.
Bloom's Literature
Examines great writers, important works, memorable characters and influential movements and events in world literature.
Gale Literature Resource Center
Information in primary sources, critical articles, literary and cultural analysis and biographies.
NoveList Plus
Readers' advisory resource covering fiction, nonfiction and audiobook recommendations.
ProQuest Learning: Literature
Where students come for the latest word on the authors they study in class and read at home.
Transparent Language
Provides a fun, effective and engaging experience for learners of all levels looking to build their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in a foreign language. With more than 110 languages to choose from, including English for speakers of over 30 languages, there is something for every learner. Transparent Language Online combines robust courses, supplemental vocabulary, extensive grammar resources and mobile apps for a complete language-learning experience.
Historic North Carolina Digital Newspaper Collection
Some 3.5 million digitized pages of historic newspaper content from the North Carolina Collection at UNC-Chapel Hill.
International Newsstream
Provides information from more than 660 of the world's top newspapers, including the Times (London), Financial Times, the Guardian, Jerusalem Post, the Daily Telegraph, Asian Wall Street Journal and the BBC Monitoring series of publications.
New York Times
Full-text articles from the New York Times (1980-current).
US Newsstream
Recent U.S. news content, as well as archives that stretch back to the 1980s, featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs and news sites in active full-text format.
Wall Street Journal
Comprehensive coverage back to 1984.
ProQuest Psychology Database
Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.
Database of full-text, peer-reviewed articles published by the American Psychological Association and affiliated journals
Offers the opportunity to view actual sessions and to hear leading experts discuss their thoughts behind their interventions. Videos capture the critical non-verbal aspects of therapy, including body language, facial expression, tone of voice and the rhythm of the therapist-client interaction.
Credo Reference
Online reference library that contains dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, quotations and atlases, plus a range of subject-specific titles covering everything from accounting to zoology.
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Collection of electronic reference books and subject encyclopedias.
General reference collection of periodical and digital media content designed for school curriculum and research support.
Science Database
Applied and general science articles covering topics such as global warming, alternative energy sources, robotic engineering, genetically modified food and more.
Biology Database
Research on animal behavior, aquatic life and fisheries, biochemistry, ecology, plant science, toxicology, virology, microbiology, health and safety science, entomology and more.
Computer Science Database
Scholarly journals, trade publications and consumer titles covering topics such as artificial intelligence, automation, gaming, graphics, networking, security, database management, systems administration, information science and hardware.
Materials Science Database
Featuring content from 1962 to present, the database supports materials science research, covering topics such as metals, polymers, ceramics, composites and biomaterials and dealing with areas such as corrosion, molding and casting, treatment, recycling, testing, finishing, welding and forming. To support engineering research, the database provides easy access to millions of bibliographic abstracts for the widest and deepest coverage of new technologies and engineering research, including civil, mechanical, environmental, earthquake and transportation.
O'Reilly for Higher Education
O'Reilly for Higher Education offers a platform that includes critical tech and business e-books, videos, learning paths, exclusive content and more along with a personalized experience and new technologies, including a mobile app. Login instructions
Books on the O'Reilly platform are not to be used as course textbooks. To purchase course textbooks, contact the Wake Tech bookstore.
CQ Researcher
Reports on issues shaping our world, with in-depth coverage of political and social issues, such as health, education, the environment, technology and the U.S. economy.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
The premier online resource covering today's hottest social issues, from offshore drilling to climate change, health care to immigration.
SIRS Researcher
A massive, multidisciplinary database designed for students and educators at high schools, community colleges and four-year universities. Editorially created pages provide valuable context for both common and obscure research topics. The content, which is all full text, includes books, magazines, journals, newspapers, photographs, transcripts and videos.
Sociology Database
Sociology Database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including relevant titles from related fields such as social policy, social care, social services, social anthropology, gender studies, gerontology, social psychology and population studies. It includes hundreds of full-text scholarly journals, as well as dissertations and other sources.
Films on Demand
More than 21,000 video titles across a variety of disciplines, including anthropology, biology, art, history, health and medicine, psychology and sociology. Online videos from PBS include Ken Burns documentaries, "Masterpiece Theater," "Scientific American," "American Experience" and more.
Just for Kids
Streaming video collection that provides a thoroughly kid-safe, advertisement-free media platform. Includes the educational videos children want to watch: "Sesame Street," "The Electric Company," "The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss," "The Berenstain Bears," "Franklin" and thousands more.
ProQuest Research Companion
Award-winning, cloud-based information literacy solution that enables educators and librarians to guide students through research projects efficiently.
Offers the opportunity to view actual sessions and to hear leading experts discuss their thoughts behind their interventions. Videos capture the critical non-verbal aspects of therapy, including body language, facial expression, tone of voice and the rhythm of the therapist-client interaction.