Wake Tech’s Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) Academy prepares students for entry-level employment as law enforcement officers with state, county or municipal governments or with private enterprise. Instruction includes practical exercises, with an ethics component woven throughout the training experience.
BLET includes topics and instructional methods mandated by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission, including the following:
The academy offers the commission-mandated 640-hour BLET Course Content program. Wake Tech offers additional hours of training in officer survival, public speaking, close-quarter control and related topics, for a total of 768 hours.
Cadets completing the academy are eligible to take the BLET State Comprehensive Written Exam. Upon successful completion, a cadet has one year from the exam date to be duly appointed and sworn as a law enforcement officer in North Carolina.
The academy meets primarily from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, for 20 weeks. The next daytime academy starts December 9.
For more information, email Lt. Joe Bright at [email protected] or Lt. Steven Finney at [email protected].
Don't have enough money to pay for a course? Right now, Wake Tech's Propel program offers scholarships that cover the cost of registration and fees.
NOTE: The Propel Scholarship Application is currently closed and will reopen March 17.
Industry-recognized credential: N.C. Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission
Complete in: Six months or less
Wake Tech students may earn up to 19 Criminal Justice Technology curriculum credit hours for successful completion of the BLET Academy.
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Wake Tech academic programs (credit and non-credit) that are designed to lead to professional licenses are tied to North Carolina or national certifications. If you intend to pursue professional licenses outside North Carolina once you have completed your academic program at Wake Tech, please refer to the Professional Licensure section of the college's distance education authorization page for additional information.