Wake Technical Community College signed and returned the Certification and Agreement to the U.S. Department of Education on April 15, 2020, offering assurance that the college intends to use no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide emergency financial aid grants to students. The college received a Grant Award Notification from the Department of Education on April 24, 2020, in the amount of $5,195,425 pursuant to the institution’s Certification and Agreement for emergency financial aid grants to students.
Status of distribution of funds
After disbursing the first round of student emergency aid grant funds between March and September 2020 to respond to immediate student needs upon the campus closure, Wake Tech closed out the Round 1 disbursement process (See reports 1-4, which detail Round 1 Awards at the bottom of the page). To expend the balance of funds, the college conducted a new evaluation of student needs for emergency financial aid grants in October 2020 to account for new Fall enrollees and ongoing impacts of the pandemic disrupting campus operations. The committee developed new criteria to establish the second round of awards (see Round 2 Methodology) and awarded all eligible students a $500 CARES Act emergency financial aid grant.
For the Fall 2020 term, 8,336 Wake Tech students were eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. No students were enrolled in online-only programs from the eligible pool. Wake Tech set forth further criteria to capture previous grant award status, enrollment status, financial need and level of disruption (see Methodology) resulting in an initial pool of 2,074 potentially eligible students. Eligibility is confirmed when a student attests he or she incurred expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.
Round 2 Methodology
The CARES Act Emergency Aid Grant Committee reconvened to determine how to distribute remaining emergency aid funds within the guidelines provided by the U.S. Department of Education. The committee determined remaining funds would be directed to the college’s most financially needy students. Students who qualified for a Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) but were not awarded an FSEOG due to limited funds were prioritized. Eligibility criteria for the Round 2 grant awards included the following:
Student communication
Wake Tech has communicated to students about CARES Act emergency financial aid grants by email, messages sent through the financial aid notification system, phone and text.
Beginning November 11, 2020, phone calls were made to students who had not taken any action, encouraging them to review and accept their grant award.
On December 21, 2020, a text with a reminder and final notice was sent to 126 students who had not taken any action to review and accept their grant award:
"Check your 2020-2021 Financial Aid tab in Self-Service to accept or reject the Wake Tech CARES Emergency Grant fund by January 8 - Selfserve.waketech.edu”
On December 22, 2020, a reminder and final notice was emailed to 126 students who had not taken any action to review and accept their grant award.
Wake Tech’s Financial & Business Services staff continued the email campaign to notify students that unclaimed CARES Emergency Grants issued through the BankMobile system had been returned to the college. Staff requested that students provide a current mailing address so that checks could be sent to them.
(Student Name)
Wake Technical Community College issued you a CARES refund on 10/19/20. We have received those funds back from BankMobile due to check being returned. Please email me with a correct mailing address as soon as possible so we can mail a check to you. If we do not hear from you within 10 days, funds will expire and will no longer be available for you.
Report 6: Communication as of March 31, 2021:
Beginning January 25, 2021, students were notified of their eligibility for grant funds and guidance for accepting their awards via an email from President Scott Ralls:
Hello <student>,
Emergency funding to support students impacted by campus disruptions due to the coronavirus has been provided by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.
The college has determined that you may be eligible to receive a Wake Tech CARES Emergency Grant. This grant is awarded based on the assumption that you experienced expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), such as technology costs for items like a computer, other hardware and internet access. If you have had costs associated with the change in campus operations due to the coronavirus, please take the following steps immediately:
Please contact your Financial Aid specialist if you have questions. Find your specialist and their contact information on Self-Service or at FA Specialist. CARES Emergency Grants will be disbursed to you via BankMobile within one to two weeks of acceptance.
We know that this has been a challenging time for all of us, and I admire your efforts to continue your education and further your own opportunities even in the challenges around COVID-19. Please contact your advisor for assistance in selecting your Spring/Summer schedule. Planning to come back next fall? Get a jump start on your 2021-22 FAFSA.
Wake Tech Student Services staff are ready to help you remotely in all of our support areas. If you need help with this process or anything else, please contact us at the Answer Center at 919-866-5000 or [email protected].
Be well,
Dr. Scott Ralls
About CARES Act Emergency Grants:
CARES Act Emergency Grants are intended to cover some of the costs students have incurred due to changes to campus operations and the transition to online coursework, tutoring and student supports. Examples of such costs may include computers, tablets, web cameras, software and internet access.
A committee was established to determine how to disburse the funds within the guidelines provided by the U.S. Department of Education. Eligibility criteria for the Fall 2020 grant awards included the following:
Beginning January 25, 2021, a message was distributed through the financial aid notification system to notify students of their eligibility for a grant:
Dear <student>
Your 20/21 financial aid offer has been processed or updated and is now available to view online. Review your Offer Letter by logging into Self Service and clicking on Financial Aid. This will bring you to Financial Aid Self-Service, where there is a drop-down menu that includes "My Awards" and "Offer Letter," among other things that you can review. If you need a hard copy of your Offer Letter, you should print it from Self-Service.
Important information regarding your award, such as book store dates, refund check dates, terms and conditions of your award, Satisfactory Academic Progress policy, etc., is also available by visiting (external website URL).
Although this additional information is not being mailed, you are responsible for being aware of its content, as it relates to policies and procedures required to maintain financial aid eligibility and to ensure prompt delivery of your funds.
For faster service, if you have questions, please submit them on the Financial Aid contact form at https://www.waketech.edu/financial-aid/contact. Best wishes for a successful year.
Your Student ID is: @ID
Wake Technical Community College
9101 Fayetteville Road
Raleigh, NC 27603
Ph: 919-866-5410
Beginning March 2, 2021, phone calls were made to students who had not taken any action, encouraging them to review and accept their grant award.
Wake Tech’s Financial & Business Services staff continued the email campaign to notify students that unclaimed CARES Emergency Grants issued through the BankMobile system had been returned to the college. Staff requested that students provide a current mailing address so that checks could be sent to them.
(Student Name)
Wake Technical Community College issued you a CARES refund on 10/19/20. We have received those funds back from BankMobile due to check being returned. Please email me with a correct mailing address as soon as possible so we can mail a check to you. If we do not hear from you within 10 days, funds will expire and will no longer be available for you.
Ongoing communication: Wake Tech’s Financial & Business Services staff continued the email campaign to notify students that unclaimed CARES Emergency Grants issued through the BankMobile system had been returned to the college. Staff requested that students provide a current mailing address so that checks could be sent to them.
(Student Name)
Wake Technical Community College issued you a CARES refund on <date>. We have received those funds back from BankMobile due to check being returned. Please email me with a correct mailing address as soon as possible so we can mail a check to you. If we do not hear from you within 10 days, funds will expire and will no longer be available for you.
Report 7: There were no student communications related to CARES Act funds awarded during this period, as students received Emergency Financial Aid Grants from CRRSAA/HEERF II funds.
On March 13, 2020, 7,731 Wake Tech students were eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965. After excluding 1,700 students enrolled in online-only programs and courses from the eligible pool, 6,031 students were potentially eligible for CARES Act emergency financial aid grants. Wake Tech set forth further criteria to capture enrollment status, financial need and level of disruption (see Methodology), resulting in an initial pool of 4,156 potentially eligible students. Eligibility is confirmed when a student attests they incurred expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.
Report 1: As of May 21, 2020, 3,218 students were confirmed to have met all eligibility criteria to receive a CARES Act emergency financial aid grant, and 895 students have not yet acted to confirm eligibility. A total of 43 students were determined to be ineligible based upon their expenses.
Report 2: As of July 6, 2020, three students were added to the potentially eligible pool, totaling 4,159 students. Among them, 3,653 students were confirmed to have met all eligibility criteria to receive a CARES Act emergency financial aid grant, and 451 students have not yet acted to confirm eligibility. A total of 55 students were determined to be ineligible based upon their expenses.
Report 3: As of August 20, 2020, 50 students were removed from the potentially eligible pool, totaling 4,109 students. Among them, 3,686 students were confirmed to have met all eligibility criteria to receive a CARES Act emergency financial aid grant, and eight students have not yet acted to confirm eligibility. A total of 360 students did not act to review/accept their award. A total of 55 students were determined to be ineligible based upon their expenses.
Report 4: As of October 5, 2020, 53 students were removed from the potentially eligible pool, totaling 4,056 students. Among them, 3,692 students were confirmed to have met all eligibility criteria to receive a CARES Act emergency financial aid grant, and four students have not yet acted to confirm eligibility. A total of 360 students did not act to review/accept their award. A total of 55 students were determined to be ineligible based upon their expenses.
Round 1: A committee was established to determine how to distribute emergency aid funds within the guidelines provided by the U.S. Department of Education. Key eligibility criteria for the Round 1/Spring 2020 grant awards include:
For emergency financial aid grants awarded during the Spring 2020 semester, Wake Tech devised an objective formula to distribute funds to students who incurred costs due to the disruption of campus operations. The formula considered the FAFSA-determined Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) and number of enrolled seated credit hours disrupted by campus closures.
Students could earn a maximum of seven points in the formula between these two criteria. The formula provided up to three points for a student’s EFC based on their 2019-20 FAFSA application. Students with an EFC of zero were awarded the maximum three points. Students with an EFC up to 5,576, which is the range for Pell grant eligibility, were awarded two points. Students with an EFC in the range between 5,577 and 8,500, which is the range for state aid eligibility, were awarded one point.
Among students with an EFC of 0 to 8,500, the formula provided up to four points for the number of credit hours in which a student was enrolled that were disrupted from operation on campus. Students who were enrolled in 12 or more credit hours that were moved from on-campus operation to online were awarded the maximum four points. Students who were enrolled in nine to 11 hours that were moved from on-campus operation to online were awarded three points. Students who were enrolled in six to eight credit hours that were moved from on-campus operation to online were awarded two points. Students who were enrolled in five or fewer credit hours that were moved from on-campus operation to online were awarded one point.
Each point in the formula was assigned a value of $230, and student awards were offered based on their cumulative point totals of the two criteria at a multiplier of $230.
Formula: (EFC points) + (seated credit hours points) x $230 = Emergency Financial Aid Grant Award
Student communication
Wake Tech has communicated to students about CARES Act emergency financial aid grants by email, messages sent through the financial aid notification system, phone and text.
Round 1 awards:
Report 1: Communication as of May 21, 2020:
On May 8, students were notified of their eligibility for grant funds and guidance for accepting their awards via an email from President Scott Ralls:
Dear <student>
Emergency funding to support students impacted by campus disruption due to the coronavirus has been provided by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.
The college has determined that you may be eligible to receive a Wake Tech CARES Emergency Grant. If you have had costs associated with campus closure due to the coronavirus, please take the following steps immediately:
We know that this has been a challenging time for all of us, and I admire your efforts to continue your education and further your own opportunities even in the challenges around COVID-19. Summer and Fall registration are open, and we are here to assist you in registering for classes. Please contact [email protected] for advising assistance and to schedule a virtual advising session.
Wake Tech Student Services staff are ready to help you remotely in all of our support areas. Our team will be reaching out by phone, email, text and other communications to support you. If you need help with this process or anything else, please contact us at the Answer Center at 919-866-5000 or [email protected].
Be well,
Dr. Scott Ralls
CARES Act emergency grants are intended to cover some of the costs students have incurred due to campus closures and the transition to fully online coursework and student services. Examples of such costs may include computers and web cameras, software, internet access, additional books, laboratory materials and/or study resources. Costs may also be a result of the loss of access to campus support services. These services include the Nest food bank and other Student Advocacy and Support services for health, wellness and referrals to community-based resources, such as assistance for health, housing and transportation needs.
A committee was established to determine how to disburse the funds within the guidelines provided by the U.S. Department of Education. Eligibility criteria for the Spring 2020 grant awards included the following:
For emergency grants awarded during the spring 2020 semester, Wake Tech devised an objective formula to distribute funds to students who incurred costs due to the disruption of campus operations considering the level of disruption and level of financial need based on the student’s 2019-20 FAFSA. A weighted formula was used to determine emergency grant award amounts considering FAFSA-determined Estimated Family Contribution and number of enrolled seated credits disrupted by campus closures.
Additionally, a message was distributed through the financial aid notification system to notify students of their eligibility for a grant:
Dear <student>,
The college has determined that you may be eligible to receive a CARES Emergency Grant. This grant is awarded based on the assumption that you experienced expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). You must accept or reject the award by logging into Self-Service, going to Financial Aid, then My Awards.
Please contact your Financial Aid specialist if you have questions. Find your specialist and their contact information on Self Service or at FA Specialist.
Wake Technical Community College
9101 Fayetteville Road * Raleigh, NC 27603
* P:919-866-5410 * F: 919-662-3529
* Your student ID is 1821022
Stay Connected with Wake Tech's Financial Aid Office.
Follow Us On Instagram @waketechfinancialaid
On May 14 and May 19, 2020, texts were sent to all eligible students stating:
You’re eligible for the Wake Tech CARES Emergency Grant. Check the 2019-20 financial aid tab in Self-Service to accept or reject. Selfserve.waketech.edu
On May 15th, 2020, a call campaign was launched by 15 employees to students who had not claimed their grant award to direct them to the president’s email, explain how to review their award and answer any outstanding questions.
Report 2: Communication as of July 6, 2020:
On June 29, 2020, a second call campaign was launched to 102 students enrolled in Summer classes who had not accepted or rejected their CARES Act emergency grant to remind them to review their award.
On July 1, 2020, a text was sent to 75 students who were enrolled for the Summer session and had not claimed their award:
"Final notice! Check the 2019-20 financial aid tab in selfserve.waketech.edu to accept or reject the Wake Tech Cares Act Grant by July 17."
On July 2, 2020, an email was sent to 410 students who had not accepted or rejected their CARES Act Emergency Grant:
Wake Tech CARES Emergency Grant
You must accept or reject the CARES Act funding offered to you by July 17. After this date, it will be removed if no action has been taken.
Emergency funding to support students impacted by campus disruption due to the coronavirus has been provided by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund.
The college has determined that you may be eligible to receive a Wake Tech CARES Emergency Grant. If you have had costs associated with campus closure due to the coronavirus, please take the following steps immediately:
· Log into your financial aid in Self-Service and review the automatic notification of award offer. You do not need to request the funds. You will receive automatic notification of the award via the Wake Tech Self-Service portal.
· Read the verification statement and, if true, click yes to accept funds. (If you have not had any expenses related to the campus closure due to the coronavirus, click no to reject the offer.)
You will need to accept the offer in Self-Service before the CARES Emergency Grant can be disbursed to you via Bank Mobile. Your acceptance of the offer is your certification that you experienced expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.
· We also know that many of our students are facing a variety of financial challenges at this time, and many students are not able to access our NEST services like our food pantries. By accepting the Wake Tech CARES Emergency Grant, the college will also provide you with a one-time electronic Food Lion gift card for your food needs. Check your Wake Tech email account for information from Student Advocacy and Support ([email protected]) which will include the unique code you will use to access the electronic Food Lion gift card. No physical gift cards will be mailed. If you do not accept the CARES Emergency Grant but have food needs, you may still request food assistance by contacting [email protected] or by calling 919-866-5000.
On June 29, 2020 Wake Tech published a news release about the upcoming availability of emergency aid for technology expenses: https://www.waketech.edu/post/wt-news-story/4950
“Students will also have the opportunity to apply for Digital Wake emergency aid to help them secure a laptop or pay for other technology needed for remote learning. This student aid is funded by the U.S. CARES Act. Wake Tech will designate a portion of its CARES Act funding, and Wake County will designate a portion of its CARES Act funding appropriated to Wake Tech to offer the following two opportunities.
Report 3: Communication as of August 20, 2020:
Beginning July 22, 2020, Wake Tech’s Financial & Business Services staff launched an email campaign to notify students that unclaimed CARES Emergency Grants issued through the BankMobile system had been returned to the college. Staff requested that students provide a current mailing address so that a check could be sent to them.
“(Student Name),
Wake Technical Community College issued you a CARES refund on (Date). We have received those funds back from BankMobile due to the check being returned. Please email me with a correct mailing address so we can mail a check to you.
Report 4: Communication as of October 5, 2020:
Wake Tech’s Financial & Business Services staff continued to contact students via email through September 28, 2020, to notify the students that unclaimed CARES Emergency Grants issued through the BankMobile system had been returned to the college. Staff requested that students provide a current mailing address so that a check could be sent to them.
(Student Name),
Wake Technical Community College issued you a CARES refund on (Date). We have received those funds back from BankMobile due to the check being returned. Please email me with a correct mailing address so we can mail a check to you.