Need to finish your high school credential? Wake Tech has several options to help you earn your Adult High School diploma, prepare for a high school equivalency test (GED® or HiSET®) and transition into post-secondary education and/or employment.
For individuals who need more assistance to get their skills to the high school level so they can obtain an equivalency degree, Adult Basic Education (ABE) provides instruction in reading, writing, math and technology skills. Morning, afternoon and evening classes are offered at several locations throughout Wake County.
Sign up for an ABE or High School Equivalency Preparation enrollment session. For assistance with the form, go to the Beltline Education Center, at 3200 Bush St. in Raleigh, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. or between 5:30 and 8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
Current Adult Basic Education and High School Equivalency sessions are full, but space may come available due to cancellations. New sessions will be added in late May for July entry.
NOTE: Children are not allowed at information sessions.