Hard copy books are recommended for all baking classes, and these texts are used more than once in this program:
"Professional Baking" by Wayne Gisslen
"How Baking Works" by Paula Figoni
"Advanced Bread and Pastry" by Michel Suas
"Chocolates and Confections" by Peter Greweling
BPA-110: Science of Baking & Pastry
This course covers the chemical reactions, essential ingredients, and techniques, that reveal how science applies to bread, pastries, and other baked goods. Topics include an introduction to major ingredient groups including sweeteners, fats, milk, and leavening agents and how each affects finished baked goods. Upon completion, students should be able to identify traits of ingredients; better understand the effect ingredients have on finished products; increase awareness of all the tastes, textures and sights in the bakeshop; further develop basic bakeshop skills; compare and evaluate products.
Course Prerequisites:
Take CUL-160(S22847); Take previously. Required.Take CUL-160(S22847); Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:2
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-120: Petit Fours and Pastries
This course introduces the basic principles of the preparation and plating of a variety of petit fours and individual dessert pastries. Emphasis is placed on traditional and contemporary petit fours and pastries utilizing updated production methods. Upon completion, students should be able to produce individual pastries and petit fours for buffet and special event settings.
Course Prerequisites:
Take CUL-110(S11030) CUL-160(S13015); Take previously. Required.Take CUL-110(S22835) CUL-160(S22847); Take either previously or concurrently. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:4
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-130: European Cakes and Tortes
This course introduces the production of a wide variety of classical and modern cakes suitable for restaurants, retail shops and large-scale production. Emphasis is placed on classic cakes using the methods of mixing, filling, glazing and icing. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare, assemble, and decorate gelatin-based and layered tortes and cakes such as Bavarian, Dobos, and Sacher.
Course Prerequisites:
Take CUL-110(S11030) CUL-160(S13015); Take previously. Required.Take CUL-110(S22835) CUL-160(S22847) CUL-260(S22857); Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:4
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-150: Artisan & Specialty Bread
This course provides an advanced study in the art and craft of bread making. Topics include pertinent formulas and techniques associated with naturally leavened loaves, hearth breads, focaccia, flat breads, and other breads utilizing a variety of grains. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare artisan and specialty breads that meet or exceed the expectations of restaurant and retail publics.
Course Prerequisites:
Take CUL-110(S11030) CUL-160(S13015); Take previously. Required.Take CUL-110(S22835) CUL-160(S22847); Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:4
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:6
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-197HD: Seminar in Baking & Pastry Arts
This course provides an opportunity to explore topics of current interest. Emphasis is placed on the development of critical listening skills and the presentation of seminar issues for Baking & Pastry Arts. Upon completion, students should be able to critically analyze issues and establish informed opinions.
Course Prerequisites:
Total Credits:2
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-210: Cake Design and Decorating
This course covers advanced concepts in the design and decoration of wedding cakes and other specialty cakes. Topics include baking, filling, and assembling cakes; cake design; finishing techniques utilizing gum paste, fondant, and royal icing; and advanced piping skills. Upon completion, students should be able to design, create, finish and evaluate the quality of wedding and specialty cakes.
Course Prerequisites:
Take CUL-110(S11030) CUL-160(S13015); Take previously. Required.Take CUL-110(S22835) CUL-160(S22847); Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:4
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-212: Advanced Cake Design & Decorating
This course is designed to build upon basic concepts introduced in BPA 210 to expand students' range of cake design and decorating skills. Topics include advanced fondant skills, overpiping, bridgework and string work, airbrushing and painting, carving and shaping cakes, and a broad range of gumpaste decorations for both classic and modern design themes. Upon completion, students should be able to conceive, plan, execute, and evaluate complex wedding and specialty cake designs with a focus on meeting both business objectives and client expectations.
Course Prerequisites:
Take BPA-210(S22830); Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:4
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-220: Confection Artistry
This course introduces the principles and techniques of decorative sugar work and confectionary candy. Topics include nougat, marzipan modeling, pastillage and cocoa painting, confection candy and a variety of sugar techniques including blown, spun, poured and pulled. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare edible centerpieces and confections to enhance dessert buffets and plate presentations.
Course Prerequisites:
Take BPA-220A; Take concurrently. Required.Take CUL-110(S11030) CUL-160(S13015); Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:4
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-220A: Confection Artistry Lab
This course provides a laboratory experience for enhancing student skills in confection artistry. Emphasis is placed on decorative sugar work and confectionary candy including nougat, marzipan modeling, pastillage, and cocoa painting. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare edible centerpieces and confections to enhance dessert buffets and plate presentations.
Course Prerequisites:
Take BPA-220(S25780); Take concurrently. Required.Take CUL-110(S22835) CUL-160(S22847); Take either previously or concurrently. Required.
Total Credits:1
Class Credits:0
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-230: Chocolate Artistry
This course provides a study in the art and craft of chocolate. Topics include chocolate tempering, piping, and molding; decorative work associated with cakes and centerpieces; and the candy production techniques of filling, enrobing and dipping. Upon completion, students should be able to properly evaluate tempered chocolate and produce a variety of chocolate candies and decorative elements for garnishing desserts.
Course Prerequisites:
Take CUL-110(S11030) CUL-160(S13015); Take previously. Required.Take CUL-110(S22835) CUL-160(S22847); Take previously. Required.Take BPA-230A; Take either previously or concurrently. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:4
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-230A: Chocolate Artistry Lab
This course provides a laboratory experience for enhancing student skills in the art and craft of chocolate. Emphasis is placed on chocolate tempering, piping, and molding; decorative work associated with cakes and centerpieces; and candy production techniques of filling, enrobing and dipping. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a basic proficiency in the preparation of decorative chocolate centerpieces, garnishes and candies.
Course Prerequisites:
Take CUL-110(S11030) CUL-160(S13015); Take previously. Required.Take BPA-230(S20766); Take either previously or concurrently. Required.Take BPA-230(S22831) CUL-110(S22835) CUL-160(S22847); Take either previously or concurrently. Required.
Total Credits:1
Class Credits:0
Lab Credits:2
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-240: Plated Desserts
This course provides a study in the elements and principles of design as they relate to plated desserts. Topics include plate composition, portioning, flavor pairings, textures, temperatures, eye appeal, balance, color harmony and plate decorating/painting techniques such as stenciling and chocolate striping. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in combining a variety of dessert components enhanced with plate decorating techniques.
Course Prerequisites:
Take CUL-110(S11030) CUL-160(S13015); Take previously. Required.Take CUL-110(S22835) CUL-160(S22847) CUL-260(S22857); Take previously. Required.
Total Credits:3
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:4
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-250: Dessert and Bread Production
This course is designed to merge artistry and innovation with the practical baking and pastry techniques utilized in a production setting. Emphasis is placed on quantity bread and roll-in dough production, plated and platter presentations, seasonal/theme product utilization and cost effectiveness. Upon completion, students should be able to plan, prepare and evaluate breads and desserts within a commercial environment and determine production costs and selling prices.
Course Prerequisites:
Take BPA-150; Take previously. Required.Take CUL-110(S22835) CUL-160(S22847) CUL-260(S22857) BPA-150 BPA-210(S22830) BPA-260(S22834); Take either previously or concurrently. Required.
Total Credits:5
Class Credits:1
Lab Credits:8
Clinic Credits:0
BPA-260: Pastry and Baking Marketing
This course is designed to cover the marketing concepts and merchandising trends utilized in bakery and pastry operations. Emphasis is placed on menu planning, pricing products/strategies, resale and wholesale distribution methods, legal implications, and advertising techniques. Upon completion, students should be able to create a marketing plan that will serve as a basis for a capstone experience.
Course Prerequisites:
Take BPA-150 BPA-210(S22830); Take previously. Required.Take BPA-250(S22833); Take either previously or concurrently. Required.Take BPA-250(S23072) CUL-260(S22857); Take either previously or concurrently. Required.