Peer tutors provide an additional tutoring option for Wake Tech students. Peer tutors are current students who are dedicated to helping others. They have completed the course(s) they tutor with a grade of A or B, and they participate in regular training throughout the semester.
Assistance is available for math, biology, physics and computer classes.
Peer tutoring provides the following benefits:
Students may sign up for a 50-minute, one-on-one session either in-person or online. On-campus sessions are held in Wake Tech libraries. Tutoring is not available for all subjects on every campus, so check different campuses to find what you need.
NOTE: Wake Tech also offers free online tutoring services in limited areas through ThinkingStorm.
By becoming a peer tutor, you will help other Wake Tech students be successful, deepen your understanding of the subject matter and improve your communication skills.
Peer tutors must be a current Wake Tech student, have a minimum 3.0 GPA and have received an A or B grade from Wake Tech in the course(s) they will tutor. The current focus is on math and computer courses, but tutoring may expand to cover other science courses. Students are interviewed by a committee and will need to submit two recommendations.
Students who are selected to be Peer Tutors will complete six hours of training before they can begin tutoring. Five additional mandatory training sessions are held throughout the semester. Peer Tutors can work a maximum of 10 hours per week.
For more information about peer tutoring, email Carrie Carreño-Zingaro at [email protected] or Nolan Outlaw at [email protected].