College Closed Wednesday

Due to the forecast of inclement weather, all Wake Tech campuses will be closed Wednesday. In-person classes are canceled, but online classes continue as scheduled. Students can still register for eight-week courses, and prospective students can apply online. Many Wake Tech services are available virtually. Employees who can work remotely should do so.

Housekeeping Services

Housekeeping services are provided on all Wake Tech campuses and centers. Facilities Management oversees the implementation, management and auditing of cleaning procedures and processes and confirms the use of Green Seal-certified products and other low-environmental-impact products:

  • Environmentally responsible cleaning products and floor finishes
  • Chemical measuring and dilution control systems that minimize waste and that limit exposure
  • Microfiber dusting cloths and dust sleeves
  • Color-coded microfiber cleaning cloths to prevent cross contamination
  • Vacuums that meet the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Green Label program requirements
  • Carpet extraction equipment that meets the CRI standard
  • Green cleaning procedures such as straight stream spray with cleaners, vacuuming stairwells, dust-control burnishes and allowing proper dwell time for restroom cleaners
  • Periodic floor and carpet maintenance during a period of minimum occupancy
  • Environmentally preferable hand soap, paper towels and toilet tissue
  • Integrated pest management plans

Studies show that creating a healthy environment by extracting the contaminants that normally enter buildings can greatly enhance student performance. The Student Performance Impact Study, conducted by Michael Berry, Ph.D., revealed these results:

  • Student attendance increased by 4%
  • Math scores Above Basic rose by 25%
  • Reading scores Basic or Above increased by 16%

Berry concluded that "there is a direct connection between healthy school environments; behaviors and attitudes of students, parents and educators; and academic achievement."