Hundreds of people converged on two Wake Tech campuses today for the college’s annual Open House. Visitors included high school students and their parents, school guidance counselors and administrators, professionals changing career pathways, and other members of the community.
Two hundred-eighty middle and high school students put their math skills to the test today in the 24th annual Regional Math Contest hosted by Wake Tech’s Mathematics and Physics Department.
Nearly 100 veterans and their family members attended Wake Tech’s Veterans Services Summit today, to learn more about VA benefits and how to access them most effectively. The free event included exhibits and workshops on job search skills, home ownership, and financial resources for veterans interested in entrepreneurship and owning their own business.
The Rotary Club of the Capital City has given $18,175 to Wake Tech’s Fostering Bright Futures program, a public-private partnership that supports young adults as they age out of the foster care system. Rotary presented the contribution to Wake Tech President Dr. Stephen Scott today.
Wake Tech Community College showcased its new Beltline Education Center, a larger and more accessible facility for adult education, at an open house today.
Dr. Stephen Scott, president of Wake Tech Community College, has named Dr. Gayle Greene Executive Vice President, the second-highest leadership post at the college.
Dr. Stephen Scott, president of Wake Tech Community College, is proud to announce a 1,450 students made the President’s List or Dean’s List for the Fall 2014 semester.