Wake Tech Kudos

Wake Tech Kudos is an initiative to show gratitude and praise for the hard work of faculty, staff and students. Express your appreciation by publicly acknowledging those who go above and beyond and are making a difference at the college.

Did a student at Wake Tech show exemplary qualities that you believe should be recognized? Did a faculty member help others in some outstanding way by providing a positive experience? Did a staff member positively impact your day? Compliment them with a Wake Tech Kudos!


All submissions are reviewed
prior to publication.

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Erica Wydrzynski
Erica, I want to thank you for your prompt and professional assistant during those times when we had multiple appointments scheduled on the same day and within a short time frame.
By: Reginald Parks, Sr.
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NWC Academic Advising Team
I want to give a shoutout to the entire Advising Team at the Scott Northern Wake Campus for their support as I dealt with the loss of my mother-in-law. It is peak advising time and they stepped up and took all my appointments on days I had to be away. I am so grateful for their commitments to colleagues and students!
By: Stacey Parks
Amazing Mentor graphic
Professor Gillian Norton
For supporting & encouraging me throughout my journey at Wake Tech, for the countless hours helping me to understand concepts & succeed in psychology for giving yourself so freely, building community & providing a place to share, learn & practice mindfulness meditation I say thank you, You are a blessing
By: Christie Sanner
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Biatriz Mendoza
Thank you for being such a positive light in my life! You have such a big heart and you always have something sweet to say! I'm so glad we became friends this semester :)
By: Makayla Roten
Mikka McGill
Thank you for being so supportive and for always making class fun! Also thank you for staying on top of everything! So glad we became friends this semester :)
By: Makayla Roten
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Cameron White, Natasha Dodd, and Lachell Rogers
These EMS students are amazing! They meet with me one-on-one EVERY week and they put so much effort into their work, their courses, and their experience. I have NO DOUBT that they will be successful and amazing paramedics very soon. All of them have an amazing work ethic and I am so proud of them!
By: Dr. Ginny Renkiewicz
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Ralph Gray
Ralph is a wonderful & valued faculty member in the EMS department. He is always being available to help the students and makes sure they have what they need. He is awesome and the EMS department is lucky to have him as part of our team!
By: Dr. Ginny Renkiewicz
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Emily Ahart
Thank you for working as a peer tutor in our course this semester. Your willingness to help others is much appreciated.
By: Karen Klein
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Justin Gray
Thank you for working as a peer tutor in our course this semester. Your willingness to help others is much appreciated.
By: Karen Klein
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Kayleigh Wilson
Thank you for working as a peer tutor in our course this semester. Your willingness to help others is much appreciated.
By: Karen Klein
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Mavry Greca
Thank you for working as a peer tutor in our course this semester. Your willingness to help others is much appreciated.
By: Karen Klein
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Instructor Staci Herman Drauss
I just want to say thank you for being an amazing instructor. I’ve taken many of your classes and I have learned so much from you!
By: Alexys Marcom
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Dr. Sandy Hunter
Thank you for helping move furniture to give students a more positive classroom experience.
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Melisa Martin
Thank you for going above and beyond to help accomplish tasks throughout the department.
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Dr. Ginny Renkiewicz
Thank you for going above and beyond for not only me but the entire department. I feel I can speak on behalf of the department that we see what you do daily to help make us all successful. I know it is no easy task. Just know that we thank you and appreciate you.
By: Constance Best
Mindfulness in Education Team: Tory Roti, Lee Corbett, Paige Roseman, Paula Teander, Cindy Brody, Elizabeth Davis, Christie Sanner, Daniela Gouveia Ramos Rodrigues, Claire McElvaney, Carla Osborne, Karlie Gage, Anjali Chandrasekhar
I appreciate each of you! I have enjoyed our mindfulness in education adventures, and you have each made college so much more fun and interesting! Wishing happiness, health, peace and safety to all!
By: Gillian Norton
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Professor Karen Klein
Professor Klein is helping her students learn lifelong skills in her MAT143 class. She is making a positive impact in the lives of her students. Her curricula allows students to apply topics learned to their real lives and when the content is relatable like this, the retention is so much higher.
By: Terri Gravitt
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Robin Rusczak
I have to preface I have never met this Professor.This is the first class I‘ve taken with him.He reached out after learning of my diagnosis. His words were so comforting. He made me feel as though I was more than just a student. He fits well with the ranks of WTCC Educators. Thank you Prof Rusczak
By: Beverly Sulivan
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Ms. Amy Witynski and Ms.Kristin Shaheen
Thank you both so much for all you do. This semester with you has been so far the best ever. I have learned a lot of things that
I needed. :)
By: Meola Badibanga
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Mariah C Best
McBest is one of THE Best Professors I have had the honor of knowing. She’s so much more!She’s an Educator, Mentor, Leader. She’s intelligent, kind, caring,beyond helpful and witty! She is never too busy to help, even when she really is busy Stay tuned to hear more of that which makes her THE BEST
By: Beverly Sullivan Mariah C Best (aka McBest)
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Lonette Mims, Janice Neagle, Carolyn Vinson, Sameer Pawa, Michael Morgan
I want to thank Dean Mims and my Coordinators who have been wonderful, as we are all helping each other to navigate through this rollercoaster ride of COVID. A lot of flexibility, changes, and new procedures have come about, but we all endured with kindness and empathy for other. The best TEAM ever.
By: Suzanne MacEachern
Dr. Jessica Kelley
Thanks for teaching me geology this semester! I've really enjoyed the class and appreciate all the hard work you've put into it. You've really made the class fun for me with the 'Big Ideas Videos' and extra credit opportunities. You're a great teacher!
By: Emma Wrenn
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Benita Budd
She's amazing! Mrs. Budd is hilarious and has such an open mind when it comes to teaching. She really involves us with the lessons planning and brings such a unique experience to the classroom.
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Communication and Theatre Department
Thank you for being an incredible group of colleagues. I greatly appreciate all the extra hours you spend encouraging and supporting our students and each other. You are innovative, collaborative, and dedicated. You inspire me!
By: Emily Moore
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Traci Rowe and Megan Bell
Thank you for a wonderful SPEAK Presents...workshop on Civil Conversations. The documentary was awesome and the conversation afterwards was even better. Thank you for reminding us of the importance of listening and respecting all views. Great job!
By: Emily Moore