OCA# | Date Reported | Incident Type | Date Occurred | Location | CLERY | Disposition |
25000010 | 01-14-25 | Trespass – A non-student was trespassed from all Wake Tech property. | 01-14-25 | Public Safety Education Campus | No | Inactive |
24000424 | 12-16-24 | Larceny from Motor Vehicle – Lot R, Scott Nothern Wake Campus | 12-16-24 | Scott Northern Wake Campus | No | Inactive |
24000390 | 11-21-24 | Weapons violation – A student had a weapon on campus. | 11-20-24 | North Wake College & Career Academy | No | Cleared by Arrest |
24000343 | 10-22-24 | Larceny – Unknown person(s) removed the center cap of the rim of a vehicle parked on campus. | 10-22-24 | Southern Wake Campus | No | Inactive |
23000305 | 09-25-24 | Damage to property – A student damaged another student's vehicle | 09-25-24 | Southern Wake Campus | No | Cleared by Arrest |
24000289 | 09-16-24 | Trespass – A non-student was trepassed from all Wake Tech property. | 09-16-24 | Perry Health Science Campus | No | Inactive |
24000283 | 09-16-24 | Trespass – A non-student was trespassed from all Wake Tech property. | 09-15-24 | Scott Northern Wake Campus | No | Inactive |
24000274 | 09-09-24 | Weapons violation – A non-student had a weapon on campus. | 08-31-24 | Southern Wake Campus | No | Inactive |
23000247 | 08-23-24 | Assault – A student assaulted another student. | 08-22-24 | Vernon Malone College & Career Academy | No | Inactive |
24000226 | 08-06-24 | Trespass – A non-student was trespassed from Wake Tech property. | 08-12-24 | Scott Northern Wake Campus | No | Inactive |