College Closed Friday

Due to icy roads, all Wake Tech campuses remain closed Friday. In-person classes are canceled, but online classes continue as scheduled. Students can still register for eight-week courses, and prospective students can apply online. Many Wake Tech services are available virtually. Employees who can work remotely should do so.

A Discussion about Sojourner Truth & Fredrick Douglass Thumbnail

Episode 23: Sojourner Truth & Frederick Douglass

Join the conversation as Frederick Douglass and Sojourner Truth are depicted by Nathan Richardson and Lynette Barber on the Michael Eure Show. Meetings between the two are explored, as well as their work with the Freedman's Bureau during Reconstruction in the United States.

Published on:Dec. 01, 2020

Episode Guests

Lynette Barber

Lynette Barber is an actor, singer, musician and teacher who has done several re-enactments of Sojourner Truth to tell her story.

Nathan Richardson

Nathan M. Richardson is a published author, performance poet and Frederick Douglass historian. His poetry collections include "Likeness of Being," "Twenty-one Imaginary T-shirts" and "Voices from the Wombs of Wisdom."

Richardson is in the sixth year of The Frederick Douglass Speaking Tour, in which he captures the essence of writer, orator and abolitionist Frederick Douglass, a formerly enslaved person.

Episode Notes

This episode was streamed July 30, 2020.