Wake Tech News

Campus Happenings

Wake Tech Invites Industry Input on New Campus

RALEIGH, N.C. (Tuesday, June 7, 2011) - Local businesses gathered in Research Triangle Park today to hear plans for Wake Technical Community College's future RTP Campus. The state-of-the-art campus will be built on an 86-acre site off NC Highway 54, near I-40 and 540, to serve the training needs of local industry and prepare highly-skilled technicians and professionals to meet the demands of our growing region. Wake Tech and O'Brien/Atkins, the architectural design team that is developing preliminary plans for the campus, solicited local companies' input on the facilities and training programs that would be of most interest to them. 

Suggestions from the group were plentiful, including training programs in nanotechnology, sustainability and game development, among others, and community facilities such as corporate meeting venues and walking trails. Many asked that the new campus be environmentally friendly, and Wake Tech was pleased to announce that all buildings will meet the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED standards. Another suggestion was for an educational welcome center for companies thinking about relocating to the Triangle.

"What a great opportunity to engage our community!" said Wake Tech President Dr. Stephen Scott. "We want to make sure our new campus serves local and regional needs, and we've heard valuable ideas and suggestions today - all of which we'll be considering as we move forward."

Construction on the new RTP Campus is still several years away, with funding dependent on the successful passage of a bond referendum.

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