Wake Tech News


Wake Tech Hosts First December Commencement on Campus

RALEIGH, N.C. (December 10, 2011) - Wake Tech Community College hosted its first December commencement exercises today. The ceremony, held for the first time on college grounds, took place in the new gymnasium on Main Campus. More than 360 students received degrees and diplomas. About 120 graduates and their families attended the ceremony.

The commencement speaker was N.C. Representative Nelson Dollar, a four-term member of the North Carolina House of Representatives. He holds degrees from Appalachian State University and is a former Wake Tech instructor. "You have gained much knowledge," Dollar told the graduates. "Now go out and seek the wisdom you need to achieve your goals."

Graduates also heard from Student Government Association president Melissa Reeves and Wake Tech President Dr. Stephen Scott. Dr. Scott advised them to "take what you've learned here and use it to make a better life for you, your family and for our country."

This fall's graduates ranged in age from 18 to 59. The youngest was 18-year old Associate in Arts graduate Isaac Mau. The oldest was 59-year old Faith Muchubi. She received an A.A.S. degree in Medical Office Assistant.

Wake Tech graduation ceremonies have traditionally been held just once each year, in May, but the college moved to a semi-annual schedule to offer a more intimate setting and a better view for families and friends attending. Until this year, Wake Tech commencement exercises have taken place in a community venue - at the Raleigh Convention Center for the past three years, and before that, at the RBC Center. Wake Tech's new gymnasium made it possible to bring the ceremony home. The new, 17,000 square foot gym opened in August and can hold up to 1,500 people. The Spring 2012 graduation is planned for Saturday May 5th.


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