Rotary Club Confirms Commitment to Foster Youth
RALEIGH, N.C. (March 10, 2015) - The Rotary Club of the Capital City has given $18,175 to Wake Tech’s Fostering Bright Futures program, a public-private partnership that supports young adults as they age out of the foster care system. Rotary presented the contribution to Wake Tech President Dr. Stephen Scott today. The funds were raised last October at the club’s annual golf tournament and will help Fostering Bright Futures cover the costs of tutoring, mentoring, financial aid, and supplies that help former foster youth attend college and earn a degree.
“We believe in helping students help themselves,” said Dr. Scott, “and this contribution allows us to help some very deserving students change their lives in significant ways. Wake Tech is extremely grateful for Rotary’s generous support of Fostering Bright Futures over the last four years.”
Fostering Bright Futures began in 2008 to help former foster youth earn degrees from Wake Tech. Statistics show that the odds are against these young adults: Nationwide, less than 10 percent of traditional college-aged youth emerging from foster care enroll in post-secondary education, and only 2 percent actually graduate.