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Wake Tech Hosts Veterans Services Summit

RALEIGH, N.C. (March 28, 2015) - Nearly 100 veterans and their family members attended Wake Tech’s Veterans Services Summit today, to learn more about VA benefits and how to access them most effectively. The free event included exhibits and workshops on job search skills, home ownership, and financial resources for veterans interested in entrepreneurship and owning their own business.

Representatives from the NC Division of Veterans Affairs, Wake County Veterans Services Office, Raleigh Vet Center Mobile RV, Vet to CEO, the U.S. Small Business Association, Dress for Success, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Wounded Warrior Project, MDC – NC Get Covered, NC Foreclosure Fund, and NC Justice Center were on hand to talk with veterans. Keynote speaker Rusty Edmister, from the NC Military Veteran Oral History Project, shared NC veterans’ stories. The Capital City Chapter of Young Marines led the presentation of colors and the Pledge of Allegiance to kick off the event, and served as event ambassadors throughout the day.

“We’re very pleased with today’s event – it brought organizations together under one roof so that veterans could ask questions and get answers directly from the experts,” said Marc Hillhouse, manager of the ACTS Project (Accelerated Career Transformation Services) for veterans at Wake Tech.

The ACTS Project organized the Summit and provided funding for it; ACTS is a grant program that allows veterans to convert time served in the military into college credits, fast-track through training programs, and earn credentials for employment. The ACTS Project is sponsored by the Walmart Foundation and supported by the Institute for Military Veterans and Families at Syracuse University. The Summit was co-hosted by Veterans Upward Bound, a federally-funded program serving five NC counties that helps veterans prepare for post-secondary education.

For more information, contact Marc Hillhouse at [email protected]or 919-866-5464, or visit http://veterans.waketech.edu.

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