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English Honor Students Attend Denver Conference

RALEIGH, N.C. (April 13, 2023) – Three student officers in Wake Tech's Sigma Kappa Delta honor society for English and literature excellence attended the recent Sigma Tau Delta international convention in Denver.

Gabriela Martinez, vice president; Olivia Kerns, historian; and Natalie Fielding, social media liaison, took part along with faculty advisors Elena Fleggas and Alexandria Doria.

The group had the opportunity to meet respected authors as well as students and faculty from more than 100 chapters from across the United States. Martinez presented her creative short story and poem to other students during a workshop at the convention.

"This was one of the most interesting experiences of my life," Martinez said. "It allowed me to get to know my fellow officers and my advisors better, and I am excited to see us all grow as students."

Wake Tech started its Sigma Kappa Delta chapter last fall and welcomed its first members during an induction ceremony in October.

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