Course Offerings

Workforce Education

Barbering II - Intermediate (B)

Course ID: BAR-3100J7   |   Overview

Are you ready for employment in a full-service barber-styling shop. This training is based on the requirements for the NC State Board of Barber Examiners’ licensure exam. It provides theory and practice in hair cutting and styling, coloring, and relaxing; shampooing and scalp treatments; shaving; and facials as well as product knowledge, shop management, and customer service psychology. The curriculum is presented in a professional manner; with diligent study, students will be prepared to pass the exam and work as apprentice barbers and then as registered barbers. Instructors are licensed by the board and stay abreast of the latest services, methods, and training.

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Requisites: None

To view information on this course and additional non-degree course offerings, visit the Workforce Continuing Education Catalog