Wake Tech News


Wake Tech Hosts Statewide Training for Instructors

College, High School Teachers Hone Skills in Oracle Software

RALEIGH, N.C. (July 25, 2010) - More than 30 educators from across North Carolina converged on Wake Technical Community College this week for specialized training to enhance their instructional skills for IT courses. The Oracle Academy Instructors' Institute is the first on-site training of its kind to be offered in North Carolina. The week-long program prepares community college and high school faculty to teach Oracle Academy's technology and business curriculum, which may be integrated in existing course offerings. 

The North Carolina Community College System and the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction partnered to offer the training as part of their commitment to bring 21st century IT skills to students statewide.

"This is a golden opportunity for faculty and students across the state," says Wake Tech President Stephen Scott. "It's important that instructors stay skilled in teaching the latest technology to help prepare students for the competitive job market ahead."

During the first level of the Oracle Academy Instructor's Institute, participants completed 40 hours of online coursework prior to the week-long in-class course. Instructors who completed the training are qualified to teach the first level of the Oracle Academy's curriculum. Oracle plans offer the second level of instructor training at Wake Tech next summer and participants will be eligible for Oracle certification. So far, the Oracle Academy Instructor's Institute has trained more than 1,100 educators across the country.

About the Oracle Academy The Oracle Academy and the Oracle Education Foundation's initiatives reach over 1.2 million students worldwide. The Oracle Academy supports 850,000+ students in 91 countries. By partnering with schools, districts, and ministries that believe in early career preparation, the Oracle Academy helps students develop the technology and business skills required for 21st century careers. Participating institutions may integrate Oracle's cutting-edge software and curriculum into their courses and avail their faculty to first-class professional development opportunities. To learn more, please visit http://academy.oracle.com.

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