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IT Expert Shares Insight on the Computers of the Future

RALEIGH, N.C. (February 2, 2011) - A treadmill that transports you to Rome for a jog around the Colosseum - from the comfort of your own home! Respected author and IT innovator Jay McBain says that's one of the items you will want to buy five years from now. McBain shared his predictions of the 20 computers we will own in 2016 during a special presentation today at Wake Technical Community College. McBain was the keynote speaker at the Center for Strategic Futures, where he talked about the future of technology. "Computers will be more human, the web will be smart, identity will be digital and technology will double every 18 months," McBain said. 

McBain talked about the billion dollar ideas that he says will shape technology in the future. The list includes web filters that are much more personalized. "Tell your phone you want to go out to dinner and bowling and it will make reservations for you," McBain said. He predicts small start-up businesses will be responsible for the smart gadgets of the future. "Thousands of inventions are just waiting to happen."

McBain gave two presentations. Each one included a video presentation and questions from the audience. The event, on Wake Tech's Main Campus, attracted more than 500 students, faculty, and staff, as well as members of the community. It was sponsored by SunTrust Bank.

As a futurist and long-standing member of the World Future Society, McBain is a leader in pervasive computing - the study of future computing models and their impact on society. He is also an expert in managed services, voiceover IP and cloud computing. He currently serves as Senior Vice President of Strategy and Market Development for Autotask software and has held leadership positions at Lenovo and IBM. McBain was named one of the Top 25 Newsmakers in Canada by CDN Magazine and one of the Top 100 Most Respected Thought Leaders by Vertical Systems Reseller Magazine in the U.S. He has been one of the Top 250 Managed Services Executives on the global MSPmentor list.

The Center for Strategic Futures was established in 2009 to facilitate the exchange of ideas and spark collaborative action. The goal is to convene local business, government, and educational leaders to address economic trends, to help students better prepare for careers of the future.

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