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Wake Tech Steps Up Enforcement of Tobacco-Free Policy

Violators to Face Disciplinary Action

RALEIGH, N.C. (February 22, 2011) - Three years after Wake Technical Community College declared all its campuses tobacco-free, the college is enacting a new enforcement policy to increase compliance. Beginning March 1, any student smoking or using tobacco on Wake Tech grounds will receive a written reprimand. If a second offense occurs, the student will be placed on general probation and required to meet with the Dean of Students - and given educational literature to review. A third offense will result in a three-day suspension from college classes. Students who refuse to cooperate with the new policy may be charged with trespassing and suspended for the remainder of the semester.

"We started with the hope that a voluntary compliance policy would be sufficient," said Dr. Stephen Scott, Wake Tech President, "but signs and verbal warnings have not been enough to stop all tobacco users. We hope our new enforcement policy will send the message that Wake Tech understands the risks tobacco poses and is serious about protecting the health and well-being of students and employees."

Wake Tech employees are responsible for helping to enforce the new policy, and they're subject to the rules as well. Any employee using tobacco on campus will be referred to the Director of Human Resources and Vice President for disciplinary action. Visitors to campus will be asked to comply with the tobacco-free policy or leave the premises.

The new focus on tobacco-free compliance is one part of a comprehensive health promotion program at Wake Tech that includes education, prevention, cessation support, and policy reform; it has long been a priority of college administrators. Wake Tech is a recognized leader in training the region's nurses and allied health care providers.


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