Noted playwright George Bernard Shaw once wrote, "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." Obviously, Shaw never envisioned a place like Wake Tech.

Every Wake Tech faculty member has had success both inside and outside of a classroom or lab, and they each bring an array of knowledge and practical skills with them to help transform students' lives every day. Get to know some of Wake Tech's talented and inspiring faculty, and you'll agree that they can do as well as teach.

Construction Management Technology Instructor Keith Gray teaches a blueprints reading class.

A Coach in the Classroom

Construction Management Technology instructor Keith Gray went from dishing out assists on the basketball court to dishing out advice to students on reading blueprints and dealing with subcontractors.
Forensic Science Instructor Sandi VanOverbake tells students how to inspect a glass fragment.

Following the Evidence In and Out of Class

In addition to teaching the technical aspects of crime scene investigation, Forensic Science Instructor Sandi VanOverbake passes on lessons she's learned while working as a North Carolina death investigator.
Alex Tang works with Automotive Systems Technology students on an electrical wiring exercise.

Driving Students With Tough Love

Students have come to expect tough love in the classroom from Automotive Systems Technology Instructor Alex Tang, who won a 2024 Excellence in Teaching Award.
Senior Professor of Geology Gretchen Miller

Geology Professor a Rock-solid Teacher and Mentor

A self-described nerd, Gretchen Miller tries to make geology fun for students and mentors female and minority students to build STEM diversity.
Dana Trent shows off a Hindu tapestry to her World Religions class.

Finding Meaning Through Teaching Religion

Dana Trent engages in dialogue with Wake Tech students about their own religious beliefs and customs to open them up to exploring how other people worship.
Sandellyo Kauba, right, and his son, Elijah Kauba, teach a cybersecurity course at Wake Tech together.

Focus on Family Leads to Newfound Teaching Passion

Putting his family first, Sandellyo Kauba abandoned his career in drug research to return to school, providing himself and his son with a new career path.
Kelly Markson works with a student in an economics class.

Getting Lessons to Stick With Students

From pantomime to personal anecdotes, Dr. Kelly Markson's demonstrative teaching style brings economics alive for her students.
Kathy Spade discusses a patient simulation scenario to Wake Tech Nursing students.

Calm Approach to Teaching Isn't Simulated

Senior Professor Kathy Spade helps Wake Tech Nursing students practice their clinical skills in simulated scenarios with high-tech "patients."
Chef Melissa Attanas shares a laugh with a student during a baking class.

Connecting Through the Language of Food

Like every TV chef from Julia Child to Ina Garten, Melissa Attanas moves effortlessly through her lessons, showing students step by step how to create beautiful and delicious cakes and pastries.
Dr. John Spevacek teaches an engineering class.

Engineering an Atmosphere for Learning

Dr. John Spevacek was introduced to the periodic table when he was about 8 years old, and it was love at first sight. Decades later, he works to pass along that passion for science and engineering to Wake Tech students.