Employers today face a skills gap, and they need trained and qualified workers to fill a variety of positions. Workforce Development Financial Resources & Student Support is designed for non-degree students to earn industry-recognized credentials through an accelerated training schedule.
Browse available non-degree courses and set up an appointment to meet with an education navigator. Get started by emailing [email protected] or calling 919-866-5853.
When you successfully complete your training, Wake Tech can connect you with local employers and career opportunities.
Support services traditionally reserved for degree-seeking students, such as scholarship opportunities and referrals, are available to Workforce Development students. The services develop students' academic and technical skills to make them more employable.
Staff also help students obtain the financial assistance needed to overcome challenges that get in the way of completing a course, gaining a credential and moving into or returning to the workforce.
Academic assistance
Wake Tech offers an array of academic support for students, from campus libraries for research to free tutoring – writing, math, science, computer skills and study skills – to computer labs where students can finish assignments if they don't have access to a computer at home.
Technology assistance
With a growing number of classes meeting virtually at least some of the time, if not entirely online, every Wake Tech student needs a computer more than ever. Financial Resources and Student Support can provide new Lenovo ThinkPad laptops to qualified, non-degree students who do not have one so they can attend classes virtually, complete their assignments and access college services online.
Library Services also has laptops available to loan out to enrolled students who do not qualify to receive a laptop otherwise. Similarly, the library can loan wireless hotspots to enrolled students who do not have reliable internet access to complete their coursework.
Anyone enrolled in a degree or diploma program who needs technology assistance should visit the Care Center.
Other resources
Wake Tech also has food pantries on several campuses to help students and their families combat food insecurity. Students dealing with anxiety, depression or other mental health challenges can turn to counselors for assistance.