Campuses Closed Friday Due to Weather

Wake Tech campuses are closed Friday due to the severe weather forecast from Hurricane Helene. In-person classes are canceled, but online classes continue as scheduled. Many Wake Tech services, including Admissions and Advising, are available virtually. Wake Tech employees who can work remotely should do so.

Success Stories

Real World Experience

Ashleigh Mole

Ashleigh Mole

Class of 2023

Area of Study
Favorite Aspect of Wake Tech
Career Services and its vast array of resources for students and alumni
Career Goals
Cybersecurity expert

"I chose Wake Tech because it's where I could get my general education credits, and it offered the degree that I was pursuing."

    — Ashleigh Mole

Ashleigh Mole was familiar with Wake Tech long before stepping foot on campus. The Wake County native and Apex High School graduate was keenly aware of the affordability of community colleges and their emphasis on quality instruction in the classroom.

"I chose Wake Tech because it's where I could get my general education credits, and it offered the degree in Cybersecurity that I was pursuing," Mole says. "Wake Tech offers the same general education courses I could take at a four-year university, but at a reasonable price."

With graduation on the horizon, she was eager to get hands-on experience where she could apply her classroom knowledge of cybersecurity to set her apart from employers. Mole's advisor sensed an internship would make her a well-rounded graduate and introduced her to Career Services. At Wake Tech, the goal of Career Services is to help students and alumni assess career possibilities, set professional goals and find employment.

Mole was excited to apply for an internship, and she quickly learned she needed to take advantage of an array of resources from Career Services to help her stand out from the field of applicants. "Having the option to book an appointment with a career counselor helped me stand out above the other candidates," she said. "I know my interview would not have gone nearly as well as it did without interview preparation."

Through one-on-one support, Career Services gave Mole the ability to refine her resume, cover letter and prepare for her interview.

"Ashleigh was determined to make the most of her opportunity through Career Services," said Sandra Kamholz, a Wake Tech career coach. "She was open to feedback and understood we were working together to make her interview the best it could be."

How well did Mole's interview go? She landed the paid internship with First Citizens Bank, and she's looking forward to combining her classroom knowledge with workplace experience.

Thanks to the support and guidance of Career Services, Mole can add internship experience along with earning her degree to her resume. For many Wake Tech students, internships can lead to employment, and that is exactly what Ashleigh is working toward.

"I plan on joining the workforce immediately after graduation, and if I am offered a full-time position with my internship, I will most likely accept it," she said.

Do you have a Wake Tech success story? Share it here.