Only two Wake Tech scholarship opportunities require letters of recommendation: the Dr. Stephen C. Scott Scholars Program and the SEPI Leadership Scholarship. Each scholarship requires that students submit a general application as well as answer additional questions specific to that scholarship.
The Dr. Stephen C. Scott Scholars program requires two letters of recommendation, and the SEPI Leadership Scholarship requires one letter of recommendation. All letters of recommendation must be submitted/received by the April 30 general scholarship application deadline in order for a student's application to be considered for these scholarships. Students are still considered for all other scholarships they qualify for, even if they do not complete the requirements for these special scholarship opportunities.
Because letters of recommendation often take time and thought, you should ask for your letter(s) at least a month before the scholarship deadline. Your recommender(s) can be anyone who can speak to the qualities that make you a good candidate for this scholarship. They can be faculty, mentors, supervisors, coaches or others you've worked with in the community. They should not be members of your family.
Here is some sample language for requesting a letter of recommendation: "I am applying for the XYZ Scholarship to help pay for college and provide me with additional leadership opportunities. I really value our relationship and believe you know me well enough to speak to my qualifications. Would you be willing to write a letter of recommendation for me?"
When you request a letter of recommendation, you should also provide your recommender with the following guidance for recommenders or simply send them the link to this page.
Be sure to clearly communicate the deadline for submitting the scholarship recommendation letter and instructions for how to submit it.
The Dr. Stephen C. Scott Scholars Program and the The SEPI Leadership Scholarship build on the applicant's leadership potential and academic achievements. They are not based on financial need, so need will not be considered.
What to include in the letter
Letter format and submission requirements
Letter of recommendation sample template
[Recommender name]
[Recommender location]
[Recommender phone number]
[Recommender email address]
Dear Scholarship Committee,
It's with great pleasure I write to you to offer my recommendation of [full name of student] for [name of scholarship]. I have known [first name of student] as [relationship to student] for [amount of time]. They're a remarkable young person with [personal trait relevant to scholarship]. It's my belief that they're an exemplary candidate for this opportunity.
Traditionally, [awarding entity] awards the [name of scholarship] to students who [scholarship criteria]. [Name of student] has demonstrated these qualities on numerous occasions. For example, [provide example].
[Name of student] is also [list other relevant qualities]. As [relationship relationship] I noticed [skill, ability or quality]. It's because of these qualities that they have achieved so much in the few short years since joining the [current school/job/community organization] community.
Therefore, I'm honored to offer my support and recommendation for [name of student] as a qualified candidate for the [name of scholarship]. They're a [review prime qualities] student who I believe is highly deserving of this honor and may use the privilege of this scholarship to continue a scholarly career marked by dedication and excellence. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me by phone or by email.
[Your signature]