The college is closed December 21 through January 1 for winter break and will reopen January 2. Prospective students can still apply for enrollment online during the break, and continuing students can register for Spring semester classes.
The Beltline Education Center is the hub of operations for Wake Tech's non-degree Workforce Development Division. It houses the college's College & Career Readiness programs: High School Equivalency Preparation (GED® and HiSET® tests), Adult High School, English as a Second Language and Adult Basic Education. It also is home to the WakeWorks® Apprenticeship Center and the WakeWorks® Mechatronics and Robotics Lab. A School of Cosmetology offers a streamlined, non-degree alternative for cosmetology training and certification and an on-site salon, staffed by students and open to the public.
From downtown Raleigh, take Capital Boulevard north. Take the Wake Forest Road exit and follow that road for a couple miles. Turn right onto Navaho Drive, the first traffic light after Interstate 440. After 0.4 mile, take the third left onto Bush Street, and the Beltline Center will be on the right. From Interstate 440, take Exit 10, turn north on Wake Forest and follow the above directions.