Study Abroad ApplicationRead Wake Tech's privacy policy Full legal name (as shown on passport) Birthdate (DD/MM/YYYY) Address City State ZIP code Phone number Alternate phone number Wake Tech email address Alternate email address Best method of contact - Select -Primary phoneAlternate phoneText to primary phoneText to alternate phoneWake Tech emailAlternate email Program of study Student ID number Name of emergency contact Relationship of emergency contact Emergency contact phone number Are you under age 18? - Select -YesNo If "Yes," provide the name, permanent address, phone number and email address of your legal parent or guardian You have my permission to contact this person in the event of an emergency Statement of purpose In a minimum of 500 words, explain your reasons for wanting to study abroad, and address each of the following:– Your academic goals beyond Wake Tech– Your professional goals beyond Wake Tech– The purpose of integrating Study Abroad into your education– The goals you would like to achieve during the Study Abroad experience Which Study Abroad opportunity interests you? - Select -Business in Japan (Summer 2025)Art in Paris (Summer 2025)Music in London (Summer 2025)Culinary Arts in Italy (Summer 2026) Are you interested in applying for a scholarship for this opportunity? (Scholarships close on November 1) - Select -YesNo Do you have a valid passport? - Select -YesNo If "Yes," what is the issuing country? If "No," will you have a valid passport by the stated deadline for the trip? - Select -YesNo I understand that my passport must be valid for 6 months past the return date of the trip. I understand that I am responsible for determining and applying for all applicable visas required for travel. I am not aware of any travel restrictions or situations that would disallow me from entering a foreign country or obtaining a passport (e.g., criminal conviction, unresolved child support, etc.). I have read Wake Tech's policy and procedures for Study Abroad and agree to follow all guidelines. I am a Wake Tech Student in good standing. I will register for the required course related to this trip. I understand that I must attend all required class activities while abroad and must remain in good standing in the class. I consent to having my image used in future promotional activities for Wake Tech Global Education. Wake Tech will adhere to ADA guidelines and make reasonable accommodation, in collaboration with the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS), needed for a student to participate in Study Abroad. (NOTE: If you require accommodation to fill out this application, contact DSS.) If selected for a Study Abroad trip, I will communicate my needs for accommodation by the published date. - Select -YesN/A Leave this field blank