Wake Tech News


Wake Tech Holds GED And Adult High School Graduation

RALEIGH, N.C. (November 15, 2011) - More than 300 students of all ages who never completed high school finally enjoyed a graduation they never had. Wake Technical Community College held its fall graduation ceremony for students receiving their GED or Adult High School diploma. The event took place in the new, recently-unveiled gymnasium on Wake Tech's main campus. "I was on the verge of graduating, when obstacles got in my way," said Adult High School diploma recipient Christian King. "It would have been a waste of time if I never finished."

King was among 29 students who received their Adult High School diploma, designed for students who left high school with five credits or less to graduate. Another 337 students received their GED, including 59-year-old great-grandmother Pamela Hampton. "If I can do it at my age," said Hampton. "You can, too!"

Wake Tech Dean Susan Payne encouraged graduates to continue their education. "Research shows you will need at least one year of post-secondary education to earn a good living," she said. Payne announced that Bank of America was providing scholarships for each graduate to take a continuing education course at Wake Tech to explore their next educational step.

Each year Wake Tech's Adult High School and GED programs have as many graduates as a large public school in Wake County. About 800 students received their GED or Adult High School diploma through Wake Tech last year. Graduation ceremonies are held each fall and spring. Graduates included migrant workers who completed their GED through the High School Equivalency Program (HEP), funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education.


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