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Wake Tech to Issue Transcripts for Extra-curricular Activities

RALEIGH, N.C. (April 27, 2015) ­- Some students who graduate from Wake Technical Community College next Saturday will have more than academic transcripts to present to potential employers. Wake Tech is now offering “co-curricular transcripts,” or CCTs – records of the valuable, college-related experiences students have outside the classroom. CCTs will document involvement in leadership opportunities and the career preparation students gain by participating in clubs, sports, volunteer projects, student government, and other extra-curricular activities. Wake Tech is the first community college in North Carolina to issue the new transcripts.

“This is an exciting development in more than one way,” says Jonathan Wirt, Wake Tech’s Associate Dean of Student Development. “Obviously, CCTs will give graduates a real advantage in seeking employment, but they will also help students reflect on their interests and strengths along the way, as they make career choices.” 

The CCTs will offer benefits for graduates who plan to go directly into the workforce and for those transferring to a university to earn an advanced degree. For graduates who plan to transfer to another institution, the CCT can offer a competitive edge in the admissions process and in seeking out scholarships and other opportunities. Graduates seeking employment will find the transcript helpful in completing job applications and in building or supplementing their resumes.

“Employers these days are looking for well-rounded candidates,” says Lynn Kavcsak, Dean of Career and Employment Resources, “and that means more than good grades. The co-curricular transcript offers evidence of a student’s engagement, commitment, and ability to manage time and tasks – all very appealing to potential employers.”

Melody Wiggins, Coordinator of Volunteerism and Leadership, is also hoping that “the transcripts will encourage more students to engage in campus life and make the most of their college experience here.”

Ten students will receive the first Wake Tech CCTs on May 2nd. The transcripts will be generated with Wake Tech XTRA powered by OrgSync, a software platform that allows students to track their extra-curricular and community service activities. Students can print out unofficial reports on their own or request that an official Co-Curricular Transcript be mailed to them upon graduation. Commencement exercises take place at 10:00 a.m. at the Raleigh Convention Center.

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