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Collective Conversation Focuses on AI

RALEIGH, N.C. (October 23, 2024) – More than 100 individuals dedicated to closing the gender and representation gaps in Wake County gathered Wednesday to learn more about artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace during Wake Invests in Women's (WIIW) Collective Conversation event at Wake Tech's RTP Campus.

The Collective Conversation program, which debuted in April, highlights a specific workplace issue on topics like recruitment and hiring, compensation, return to work and supporting women in the workforce and offers best practices and proven strategies from subject-matter experts.

The event drew representatives from 25 area organizations, including UNC Health, Duke Health, RTI International, Wake County and the Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce.

Dr. Torri Staton, vice president of Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity at the Raleigh Chamber and a WIIW Steering Committee member, and Jess McDonald, Wake Tech assistant professor of Sociology and Assessment, Research and Evaluation Fellow, provided valuable labor market data. Dr. Marie Mitchell, professor of Organizational Behavior at the Kenan-Flagler School of Business at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Dr. Saundra Williams, WIIW Steering Committee co-chair and vice chair of the Wake Tech Board of Trustees, led the conversation. They encouraged the group to expand their knowledge of AI's potential to create a more equitable hiring environment and establish sound policy and procedures for governance in their organizations. Shinica Thomas, chair of the Wake County Board of Commissioners, gave closing remarks.

Funded by Wake County, WIIW is a collaboration among Wake Tech and a cross-section of business and community leaders working to achieve pay equity for women working in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields and to increase the number of women, particularly Black and Latina women, in the pipeline for these higher-wage, higher-demand jobs.

In addition to Collective Conversations, WIIW also offers the Career Guides Mentor Program, which fosters professional growth for Wake Tech students by pairing them with seasoned career mentors. More than 90 students are elevating and sharpening their career development skills by participating in the program this academic year.

The third Collective Conversation event is planned for March 2025.

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