In The Community
Sig Hutchinson Named Wake Tech Honorary Alumnus

RALEIGH, N.C. (February 21, 2023) – Wake Tech is pleased to name Sig Hutchinson as an honorary college alumnus.
The designation acknowledges the extraordinary service or merit of an individual who has not earned a degree from the college. Hutchison was selected based on his support, contributions of time and effort and friendship to Wake Tech.
A former Wake County commissioner and board chair, Hutchinson is a strong advocate for the college. During his tenure as commissioner, he worked closely with Wake Tech leaders to find crucial support to help the college grow, including championing more than $700 million in bond funding for Wake Tech since 2018.
He is also an advocate of Wake County-supported partnerships with the college, including WakeWorks Apprenticeship, Wake Invests in Women and the affordable housing project on Chapanoke Road.
Hutchinson was recognized at today’s Wake Tech Board of Trustees meeting.
"If you can dream it, you can become it at Wake Tech," said Hutchinson. "This institution is changing lives every day."
Hutchinson is the president of Sig Hutchinson Communications. He has a bachelor's degree from Texas Tech University and a master's degree from the University of South Carolina. He has held leadership roles in numerous regional and state boards and associations, including the Triangle Land Conservancy, Advocates for Health in Action, and NC Prevention Partners. He currently serves in leadership positions with the Upper Neuse River Basin Association, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, Live Well Wake, the National Association of Counties and GoTriangle.
Hutchinson is the second recipient of Wake Tech's honorary alumnus status. Dr. John Boone, retired dean of Institutional Effectiveness, Accreditation and Research, was the first.