Eagle Start is a great opportunity to launch your college career, build a strong academic foundation for your future and ease the transition between high school and college. The summer program prepares students who are eager to start their college careers in a supportive and structured environment designed to ensure their success.
The summer bridge program provides the following benefits:
Free tuition and fees
Free laptop for successfully completing the program
Full access to Wake Tech resources and services
Free tutoring and success coaching
Career coaching
Connections with key faculty, staff and administrators
To be eligible for the 2025 Eagle Start program, students must have a high school GPA of less than 2.2.
Classes run 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday from June 23 to July 31 and will be offered on the Scott Northern Wake and Southern Wake campuses, as well as Wake Tech East, the college's newest site in Wendell.
Students must complete these steps to enroll in the program: