Due to the forecast of inclement weather, all Wake Tech campuses will be closed Wednesday. In-person classes are canceled, but online classes continue as scheduled. Students can still register for eight-week courses, and prospective students can apply online. Many Wake Tech services are available virtually. Employees who can work remotely should do so.
This document is based on the Association of College & Research Librarians (ACRL) Standards and Guidelines for Media Resources in Academic Libraries. Each section corresponds to a heading in that document though the content has been modified to fit the existing collection at Wake Technical Community College. The ACRL provides standards for academic libraries based on surveys, research of current literature, earlier guidelines, recommendations, task force collaboration, experience and committee work. The Wake Tech guidelines should be revised regularly with reference to revisions of the ACRL's Media Resources Guidelines.
It is the mission of the Wake Tech Libraries Media Collection to seek, evaluate, obtain and facilitate the use of resources and information that support the college’s curricula, student and faculty resource needs and overall community information expectations. These activities include providing materials in print and non-print formats to stimulate and support information literacy. Wake Tech Library Services is responsible for developing a multi-disciplinary collection of multimedia formats that supports students, faculty and staff research and instruction needs. It is representative of the entire curriculum of the college. The selection process is collaborative and initiated by faculty request and collection analysis.
Wake Tech's media collection is comprised of non-print materials, mostly DVDs and CDs, but also digital images and printed material accompanying media items. So, while it is a general rule to favor CDs to cassettes and DVDs to VHS, this consideration does not determine every purchase, nor does it preclude purchasing a single, core or requested title in multiple formats. Preference is given to items that will be used widely and often.
There are two main media collections housed at each library: Teaching and Research Media Collection and Browsing Collection. The collection priorities are different for each.
Teaching and Research Media Collection –
The Browsing Collection is comprised mainly of DVDs, audiobooks, and CDs, often donated through a “Friends of the Library” donation and titles no longer used in classroom instruction. This collection is supplemented by occasional purchases, when the budget allows, as suggested by faculty, staff, and students. The collection is available to community, staff, faculty, and students for one-week check out of music and films and three weeks for audiobooks. Items in this collection are designated “Public AV” in the catalog for the Southern Wake Campus Library. Other campuses shelve all AV items together.
Circulation rules may differ by type of user and type of material, with exceptions made depending on particular circumstances. Circulation rules by type of material are listed below, as well as services offered to faculty for securing access to items needed for classroom instruction.
Media reserves are items that have been selected by instructors as important supplementary course material. They are housed in the Reserves section of the library and are kept in “closed stacks” behind the circulation desk.
Instructors placing reserves:
Any instructor-owned media items will be processed for use in the reserves collection. Students using reserves:
Instruction covering media collections is available through the reference department. Specialized instruction on media use, research, e-book workshops, or other topics is also available. Periodically there are workshops created to meet a perceived need among faculty or staff, and these will be advertised as they arise. Individualized instruction with regard to media for faculty or staff is also available, upon request of the Public Services Librarian.