Community Advisors Honored for Partnerships with Wake Tech

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RALEIGH, N.C. (November 13, 2014) – Hundreds of business leaders and industry professionals gathered on Wake Tech’s Main Campus tonight for an annual event that celebrates the power of partnerships. The 34th annual Advisory Committee Dinner was held to thank the many advisors who help to shape college programs, offering valuable input on course content and instructional strategies. The college has 70 advisory committees that provide guidance and expertise on programs ranging from computer technologies to cosmetology. President Dr. Stephen Scott called the committees Wake Tech’s “secret weapon.”
“Thanks to your knowledge and insights, our instructional programs are strong and relevant,” Dr. Scott told the advisors. “Your input is absolutely critical to fulfilling Wake Tech’s mission of providing quality education, training a first-rate workforce, and supporting economic development.”
Donald Gintzig, President and CEO of Wake Med and Hospitals, was guest speaker for the event. He emphasized the importance of partnerships and praised Wake Tech for fostering strong networks within the community. A special video produced for the event highlighted the role that Advisory Committees play.
The Advisory Committee for Electrical Systems Technology was singled out as Advisory Committee of the Year. The Electrical Systems Technology program continues to show impressive growth, with promising employment opportunities for Wake Tech graduates. The committee includes:
- Allen Burchette, VP of Strategic Initiatives North America at ABB, Inc.: Burchette provides input on emerging products as well as industry direction. ABB has made a three-year, $150,000 commitment to the Wake Tech Foundation in support of the Electrical Systems Technology and Electronics Engineering programs.
- Jay Daunoy, Chief Electrical Inspector for the City of Raleigh: Jay and his team provide valuable input on the changes in code and critical enforcement issues.
- Jerry Gentle, Schneider Electric: Schneider Electric has employed two Wake Tech graduates in the past two years. The company also provided an OSHA-certified instructor to train students on NFPE 70E arc flash at no cost.
- Roger Turner, Duke Energy/Progress: Roger is a Wake Tech alumnus and a valuable resource for information on power generation and distribution. Duke Energy/Progress provides tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships for Wake Tech students
Jeff Wheeler, Wake Tech alumnus and owner of a mid-size electrical contracting firm: Jeff provides input on the health and direction of the local market
The committee also includes retired Wake Tech senior professor Gary Randall, professor Richard Moore, and student Kyle Green.
Four other Wake Tech advisory committees were recognized as outstanding: Business & Public Services Technologies, Computer Technologies, Health Sciences and Continuing Education.