College Leadership
Wake Tech Faculty Earn “Professor” Status
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RALEIGH, N.C. (February 5, 2015) - More than 60 Wake Tech faculty members earned professor status tonight at the second annual Faculty Rank Induction Ceremony. Wake Tech established the ranking system last year as a way to reward excellence – and to attract and retain the most effective educators. At tonight’s ceremony, the college named 13 assistant professors, 46 associate professors, and four professors. Each was presented with a special ceremonial cord to be worn with formal regalia at graduations and other academic events.
“It’s fitting that we recognize and reward our best and brightest,” said Bryan Ryan, Wake Tech’s Senior Vice President of Curriculum Education. “They do so much every day to help students succeed and realize their dreams. We want to say ‘thank you’ to these dedicated professionals – and we also want to give them every incentive we can to stay in the classroom, where they can have a profound impact on the lives of students.”
Those receiving promotions include:
Assistant Professor Kimberly Appel Paula Askew Angela Barbour Heather Berry Lesley Clark John Etheridge Olga Harris Audra Kallimanis Catherine Lester C. Brent Miller Michael Schore Linda Shimm Sue Stroud
Associate Professor Diane Albahrawy Eric Ball Eugene Bartlett Thomas Beaman Jacquelyn Beech Rebecca Berry Jocelyn Buck
David Card Vanessa Cash Tracy Cheatham Michael Chi Cathy Collie Stanley Converse Benjamin Corbett Brandon Crews Linda Daniel Ajit Dixit Rodney Duke Kimberly Eaton Jennifer Evarts Kimberly Fishback Rhoderick Fleming Karen Fussell Christopher Gitthens Brittany Hochstaetter Scott Johnson Michael Jones Kimberly Langston Barry Malone Wanda McNeil
Catherin Mennear Marsha Mills Joy Minster Emily Moore Edwin Neagle Pamela Paul Joan Romano Sara Rutzky Mary Anne Schlieper Yasmine Sonnenberg Jackie Swanik Brad Swearingen Eileen Sweeney Kimberly Walaski Gregg Wallace Jenifer Wolkowski
Professor Calvin Edgerton Robert Miller Lucille Roth Kathy Weeks
Full-time instructors with five or more years of experience at Wake Tech were able to apply for promotion this year. In addition to years of service, criteria for promotion include innovative teaching strategies, leadership, community service, advanced credentials, and projects the instructors have implemented through Wake Tech’s continuous improvement initiative, known as Applied Benchmarking. Each year, all Wake Tech employees are required to find great ideas and best practices at other institutions and adapt them for use at Wake Tech.
“The faculty rank system is a perfect example of Applied Benchmarking,” said Wake Tech President Stephen C. Scott. “Faculty researched and developed the system and continue to be involved, as promotions are determined through a peer-review process.”
Next fall, full-time instructors with three or more years of experience at Wake Tech will be able to apply for rank. Once promoted, faculty members must wait two years before they can apply for promotion again. Wake Tech currently has one senior professor: Heavy Equipment and Transport Technology Department Head Ronnie Lowe.