Wake Tech News


Nonprofit Supplies Confidence to Students

New Partnership Offers Personal Care Products for Women

RALEIGH, N.C. (December 5, 2023) – Female students at Wake Tech now have access to everyday essentials, thanks to a new partnership with No Woman, No Girl, a local nonprofit that provides supplies to women in need.

"Think about the personal care products you used this morning – deodorant, soap, shampoo, toothpaste – before you started your day," said Scarlet Edwards, Wake Tech's associate vice president for Military, Veteran and Special Programs. "Imagine how uncomfortable you would feel showing up for class without those everyday essentials."

These essentials are the latest student support offered through the college's Care Center. Thanks to the partnership with No Woman, No Girl, female students can now receive a 45-day supply of feminine hygiene products and full-size personal care items for body, mouth and hair. The products will be delivered to the Care Center on the most convenient Wake Tech campus for pick-up. Students can also request items to accommodate special-care situations, such as skin allergies.

"We are so grateful for this partnership with No Woman, No Girl," Edwards said. "Not only are we providing access to everyday essentials needed to survive, but we're also giving students a confidence boost."

No Woman, No Girl was born when founder Shirnetta Harrell acted on her observation of a real lack of access to basic personal hygiene products for many women and their families in Wake County.

She put her social work skills into action and, in 2021, opened the nonprofit from a local church. The response was so great that in just three years No Woman, No Girl has opened its own family distribution site, at 3717 National Drive, Suite 200, in Raleigh. The nonprofit has served more than 2,200 women and their families this year.

Harrell says the mission of No Woman, No Girl is bigger than supplying personal care products. Each bag includes a universal care guide that teaches women how to use the products and how to take care of their bodies, as well as an envelope of hope with an inspirational message penned by volunteers.

"Our work is more than a bag of hygiene products, it's confidence in a bag, it's hope in a bag," she said. "We can give someone access and educate them all day long, but how are we encouraging them despite being in crisis. These messages of hope really go a long way."

The nonprofit now has 28 agency partners through which everyday essentials are delivered and more than 200 community supporters who donate supplies for the cause.

Harrell said she's excited about the nonprofit's opportunity to serve Wake Tech students. "Students have many barriers, but if we could help to bridge one barrier, we've done our part," she said. "Our partnership is going to help women propel forward in their education and in their careers."

Students can connect with the Care Center at waketech.edu/carecenter.

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