Course Offerings

Workforce Education

Tactical EMS Officer I

Course ID: EMS-3200AJ4   |   Overview

This course is designed to provide students with entry level knowledge of multiple types of, tactical/austere events, available agencies and agency resources, geographical and population concerns, and the initial management plans of austere operations from a mid-level officer perspective. At the completion of this course, students will have a better understanding of tactical/austere events and how they apply to everyday EMS operations, how to begin planning to establish a local program, and gain experience in various roles within the Incident Command Structure during a large-scale incident. This course will prepare and qualify the student to attend other specialty courses within this series.

Current Opportunities
Details Section Date(s) Location Price Seats  
308115 04/18/25 - 04/19/25 Eastern Wake Campus 70.00 24 Register

If you would like to be notified when additional sections become available, please use Wake Tech's Notify Me service.

Requisites: None

To view information on this course and additional non-degree course offerings, visit the Workforce Continuing Education Catalog